[APP][Pro] MQTT Hub - Community version

Very good ! Another cracker from Ronny. I moved both Homeys to your hub today.
It would be really brilliant to be able to search for specific devices. With sick people like me, the overview is completely lost from 200 devices.

A workaround, when using the device view in the web app, you can use your browsers’ search

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New test version 4.1.0:

  • Added device filter
  • Devices are sort by zone and name now
  • Added default device state

Use the device filter to show only matching devices:

Set device default state:

All devices which were not changed in device list are using the default state from this switch.
If you change a device state in device tab, this is stored in settings.
The technical base is not changed. Only the default from settings is used now


New test version 4.1.1:

  • Added device sort selection
  • Sort devices by device name is now default (better clarity I think).

Superb! Can you elaborate a bit on "device default state?
When I enable it, all disabled devices get enabled;
when I disable it, none but my original selection stay enabled (which is good!).
It also seems to prevent auto-adding newly installed devices when disabled ?:smiling_face_with_three_hearts::partying_face:

Removed the ‘old’ MQTT hub and installed your version.
Went to settings and enabled ‘Home Assistant Discovery’
Now the app crashes while broadcasting devices.

Report ID: 0f58d3d6-d45d-4a68-8f2c-2bc525e0303c

removed the “old” mqtt hub app and installed the new and fresh one :slight_smile:

it works like a charm

Again - thank you very much @RonnyW

and donated :wink:


I can only see a crash caused by memory usage.
I’m nor sure I can do so much in this case. Nothing has changed in the app logic.
You can try to increase the delay in app settings to oerhaps 50ms, then restart the app. The Broadcast takes longer but perhaps you don’t get a memory spike.

After three tries it started working :muscle:

Sometimes it needs some time until the garage collector removes old stuff if you re-install or restart the app.

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New test version 4.1.2:

  • Added sorting by time of adding
  • Fixed error sorting by zone if device has no zone

@Peter_Kawa FYI and test if sorting by zone is correct now.

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All devices are read by the app and shown in app settings in devices tab.
Withaout a user interaction, the devices have no fixed state. The app previously expected them as “active”. Now the app uses the setting (device default state) to have a default state.
If default state is set to “on”, all devices are synced.
If default state is set to “off”, the devices are not synced.

If you change the setting for a device in devices list, this state is stored in app settings.
This device will keep “your” setting from now and it won’t change if “default device state” is changed.

Is it clear now?
The app worked this way, so I just added the “default state” switch to provide a setting instead of a fixed/hardcoded “true”.

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Cool, no errors.

I have MQTT Hub v3.5.5 from Harrie de Groot.
As I understand that app is depricated and replaced by this one?

How can I move devices from the old one to this one?

Devices appear automatically in Ronny’s MQTT Hub app, no need for migration:

  1. Just screenshot the list of devices of the MQTT Hub app first
  2. Turn off MQTT Hub app by Harrie
  3. Turn on MQTT Hub app by Ronny
  4. Enable / disable the devices according to the screenshots
  5. With Pro 2023, make sure to enter a message delay time @ “Performance” - This prevents app crashes. 5 or 10ms should suffice; if not, increase the number.

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…and if you have Real MqttHub devices (to show topics as virtual device), you have to create them again. But you can save device settings from the old devices (JSON) and import into the new ones.


thanks @Peter_Kawa and @RonnyW for your answers


Sorry now in English.
Nice app!
I have 2 questions, hopefully someone could help.
What do you use to get the homey devices into Homeassistant?

The app does not keep running.
In the app log is no fault or error, what can be wrong?


Everything to get it up and running is explained here (also in Dutch):


Like I pointed to a few posts back, increasing the number at “Performance” should help

Hi @Peter_Kawa

Thx! I wil dive into that treat.

I already had the delay on 50.

Let’s see what happens, i will try to get it work later.


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