Homey pro update to 10.0.0-rc118

Not sure if releasing it for regular shops suddenly makes Homey Pro (early 2023) fully stable :upside_down_face:
It already released for early access users when it was far far away from stable enough for that.
On their own site it is also already “order now, receive in 1-2 weeks”, so even if 1 month is still “far” away, don’t expect that to be the line for a “final version” in any way.

We are really only discussing first public software release 10.0.1.

Then development continue obviously.

But until release date there will probably be no shipping from regular shops?


No offence, but just:

No one here knows what Athom knows? → https://homey.app/support (there’s a 2 week waiting time atm)

In that case it’s better to not buy a homey at all :rofl:

Development is going awfully slow, and “official apps” like the Ikea app that is maintained by Athom are everything but official and updated when a developer has some time left on a Friday afternoon (and that’s basically never).

I switched back to my Home Assistant setup as my main system because i had enough of the zigbee support or better said the lack of zigbee support the Homey Pro has. On paper it’s a great product, in reality it’s far from stable.

So it’s demoted to “hobby bob project” here. Haven’t sold it yet but Athom needs to step up their game when it comes development.



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I don’t want to offend anyone, but sometimes the problem is in front of the screen.
Homey early 19, Homey early 23 and Home Assistant run completely stable and reliable as a connected symbiosis. I have no problems with Zwave, Zigbee or any other wireless protocol.
If Athom today calls early 23 stable, I can confirm that.


Ofcourse, you’re right, Uwe. Focussed to much on the problem topics, while no-one posts: I have no issues with my fine running Homey. I don’t need help


I can’t talk about the earlier Pro models since i havent used them before but after running a Home Assistant setup for the last 5 years with 70+ zigbee devices and a handful of z-wave and 433MHz devices i thought it would be a smart idea to ditch Home Assistant and switch to the new Homey Pro in my new home.

And that was the biggest mistake i ever made. You litterally need an app for everything and even if you limit your choices to the so called official apps that doesn’t give you a lot to cheer about.

Those so called “official apps” for example are are anything but official in a lot of cases. The Ikea app for example is marked as official but Ikea doesn’t have anything to do with it… it’s made by Athom but Athom doesn’t want to put a lot of effort in it and it has 0 priority. And instead of opening up the repo so PR’s can be made by community members Athom chooses to keep them private, mark them as official :wink:

And that’s just a tip of the iceberg and while the hardware is quite ok the software isn’t. It is that there are some good 3rd party app developers but if you had to rely on Athom and their official apps only i wouldn’t put my hopes on it.

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And you don’t need app for integration on HA?
Or what exactly is your concern? I don’t get it from your comment.
There are for sure since existing problems, no doubt about that - but I don’t see any relevancy from your comment to it :slight_smile:

You mentioned in previous message IKEA - what are you missing or what do you expect?

Btw I’m using HA as well, seeing some problems not resolved for even more years, so…

No, Home Assistant has support for thousands of devices built-in.

Oh, sorry then, I had to install all my devices via HACS and using none build in then… but for data visualisation (FVE), it’s great

Home Assistant has support for a lot of devices built in (like @robertklep already mentioned), unless you use the newest or very exotic zigbee devices most of them are supported and IF you have a device that isn’t supported it’s way much easier to get it supported than it is on Homey.

The Ikea app for example. This specific model for example Led-plafondlamp, NYMÅNE, draadloos dimbaar wit spectrum, 38 cm - IKEA is available for a while but isn’t supported. That wouldn’t be an issue if the app is build by a 3rd party developer that does all the development on best effort and accepts PR’s for example.

Athom however lists it as an official app developed by Athom itself, you would expect this app would get regular updates and all devices would be supported… but none of it is true. Devices are reported incorrectly or not supported at all and if you make a support request at Athom you will get the reply with a statement like “yes it’s an official app but we don’t want to spend to much work on it so don’t expect anything from us”. And this is just one example of many.

The setup i have running now with some Hue bulbs only works quite ok (next to the bigger HA setup with all other zigbee devices) and besides a dropped motion sensor once in a while nothing big that’s failing but this is just a small setup. The fact that i need to rely on Athom and the support of their so called “official” apps and the fact 0 support is given on those apps and the only alternative is to write your own is one of the big “no go’s” for me.

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Well, actually I disagree based on my own experience. May I ask you, how many times have you reached to Athom support on the topics you mentioned ?

Multiple times,

And their response in all cases was similar to the last one i got,

I’ve added your request to support this lamp to our internal list of device requests. Unfortunately, I can’t guarantee if and when this device will be supported by the IKEA app.

We primarily focus on the development of Homey itself and although we originally made this app for this brand, we have limited manpower to add new devices. The best and quickest way to add new devices always remains that the brand itself is involved in the development and maintenance of the supporting app. Perhaps you could help us with this by letting the brand know that their product’s customers would greatly appreciate an integration with Homey.

Athom gives the impression that the manufacturer is involved in the development, but in reality, these often seem to be small side projects that are not well-maintained by Athom. This can mislead the end user who might think they’re purchasing a product that a company like Ikea actively supports.

However, this isn’t necessarily true. Ikea probably isn’t even aware, and if they do know, they apparently have no interest in contributing. And according to Athom’s support department, I should reach out to Ikea to please take on support for their “official app” that isn’t official but promoted by Athom as an official app?

Therefore, it would be more appropriate for Athom to either stop labeling these kinds of apps as official, because they aren’t, or to begin offering support and actively maintaining apps that they themselves launch in their app store.

And when you ask them to open up the repo so users can make a PR to support new devices (it isn’t that hard add new devices) Athoms answer is: “sorry no can do”.

… gives you the impression …

Although I think the words “official” and “community” are marketing labels, to me it’s clear them words just mean “ours” and “not ours”

While there’s in fact three kinds of app creators, I would have labelled them “In-house”, “Independent” and “Brand” for instance.

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Even if that were “my” interpretation of the word official, one would certainly expect some form of support from Athom, such as regular maintenance, support for new devices, and bug fixes.

Your comment reads like a typical situation where someone is attempting to justify something gone wrong, but of course, that’s just my interpretation. :wink:

“Official” (even if it’s Athom or “manufacturer official”) could give people the assumption that there is any kind of support and it’s some sort of maintained, in the case above there is none in any form.

It’s misleading and i’m curious what (in this case) Ikea and their legal department thinks about this “official” app.

It depends, sometimes they are, eg. Aeotec - but don’t expect support of manufactures having their own gateways, like Fibaro, IKEA…

Well it’s maybe not feature rich but it is maintained and kept up-to-date, just sometimes takes indeed longer.

I don’t see any such statement

You can always start your own Community app - very often they are much better then the Athom’s one


Everything what is discussed here about apps is off topic.
So please stay on topic, thank you very much! :blush:

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