First time with homey

Hello i want to share with you

I have homey latest version and o e fibaro walli fgwdeu111 and aeotec zw100, all together in a small room.

1/ Often i see a problem in the app a red message saying: ‘‘error transmit complete no ack’’

2/ when click light on or off in app sometimes light goes on sometimes not

3/ i installed google chromecast and it does not show in flow app section so i cannot use it.

Isnt it crazy?
I tried jeedom and hc3 before and this is by far the worst experience for now

That is not much information. How should we help you?
Did you used the search function of the forum?
Or do you just want to tell us?

What do you mean „tried out“?
Do you know what conditions are necessary for a good working Z-Wave installation?

I had the HC2 for several years and I am very impressed with Homey.

So u installed the chromecast app and, after adding one or some chromecast enabled devices, u cannot use them in a flow? Now thats wyrd yes.

Actually there is no where it says to add google chrome devices so i never added chromecast devices !

Well that’s just like installing the Sonos app and not add some speakers. U don’t get much action in flows that way aye?

I a bit angry because that is the minimum configuration and it is not stable.
One homey, 1 dimmer, 1 movement sensor.
Now it is working again, lets see if tonight it s still stable !

Do you know what conditions are necessary for a good working Z-Wave installation?
I think i know. This why i included the aeotec zw100 with the cable so it contributes to the mesh.

1/ Often i see a problem in the app a red message saying: ‘‘error transmit complete no ack’’

No one has ever seen the ‘‘error transmit complete no ack’’ ?

It means Homey did not get an reaction from the device. Try putting them closer to Homey to test the range.

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Yeah but Google Chromecast Appli pour Homey | Homey

any thelp or tuto about adding chromecast device because i checked as much as my little brain could but i could not find a setting to add those devices. Where did you add them ?

In ur devices list click the + sign on the top right to add devices. After that click Google Chromecast as a brand and it will search for ur devices.

This is what i did right now so let s see if it works in time…

Do you confirm it takes time for homey to take any new setting (like 60 seconds to 5minutes sometimes) ?

You make me feel idiot. I like it. That worked.

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Well, I would say that this is not the minimum configuration. Even if there are 2 repeaters. The more repeaters there are, the more stable the Z-Wave mesh becomes.
At what distance did you include the devices?
In which distance are the devices installed?
Similar to the HC2 (probably also the HC3) there is a possibility to optimize the routing between Homey and the devices.
You can do this in Developer.
There you can see the routing and see if there are problems.

Any new settings of what?

Many thanks i will check that

So i changed my title because :slight_smile:

May i ask you a LAST question.

Is there a way to install Homey v5 ?
If yes how ?

For those who need it also…

Plz don’t!

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If you have some problems, you can ask a lot of questions.

Ok, you found out how to update experimental updates.
BUT, I guess you are a new Homey user actually with some problems. Homey v5 is an experimental firmware. Many apps are not compatible with this FW, especially Apps for Zigbee devices. But also the FW is buggy. I recommend not to install v5.

Ok yes i did update to v5 now i am looking for a way to rollback to v4 :smiley :smiley:
Life’s a **** :smiley: D

And i am rolling back because i want to test homeydash that is not v5 compatible !

Say what???