I get no warning whatsoever but it basically makes all my Mitsubishi Airco’s and most of my HomeWizard smart plugs and smart meters unreachable at a certain point in time. Weird thing is I can still reach those with their own apps; they are still connected to the wifi. Weird is that some Homewizard devices still DO continue to work. Sometimes its another plug that works and another one doesnt, very random… Airco’s are always both not responding.
So I used to ‘turnin it off & on again’ and that worked for a while, but it seems not to work anymore. Sometimes, hours later, everything is reachable again.
So to be absolutely clear: My Homey Pro E2023 sometimes goes into an erroneous state in which multiple devices are unreachable through Homey (but are via their own app). A while later (much later), all seems working again. Rinse and repeat.
What I already tried:
Resetting through app
Full 10min PTP
Really driving me nuts - all my nice heating flows not working anymore, requiring me to search for the airco remotes like some kind of cave man .
Anyone knows whats happenings?
Any tips for finding the root cause?
Couldnt find anything on Google or using search function so posting here any of you guys know whats happening or have tips in order to troubleshoot/eliminate possible causes.
Thanks for your reply! Have per your recommendation tried to restart the router and mesh network, unfortunately to no avail. Have - in accordance with your HomeWizard link - just checked versions, settings and IP-reservations for the devices, it all checks out.
So the problem still persists. I also get the ‘Homey is offline’ and ‘Homey is online’ notifications now and then. The problem is also not only Homewizard-related but also kicks out my Mitsubishi airco’s. And it all worked great for the past year, but since 2 weeks its become faulty.
Is Homey wifi connected?
Maybe your router or access points got (auto)updated 2 weeks ago?
Make sure to fix Homey to one AP, to prevent AP hopping.
Hi Peter, thanks for your suggestions! It seems that one of my Mesh accesspoints has become defective, switching on and off again. After taking it out, my Homey’s connection to devices seems to have stabilized.
I will post here again whenever the problem reoccurs.