Homey Pro (2023) is not accessible without internet!?

Begs the question, without internet, what was your plan for how to install apps?

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I just would like to start using my zwave light switches and dimmers
Do you need also app for that?

Well, there’s a very basic onboard zwave driver. Lights and light-switches should work. Not sure about dimming and color settings.
Can’t find any documentation for it.
It’s best to do a search here, or ask users about their experiences imho.

Doesn’t change the fact that homey is useless without internet connection

Alr. mentioned. I just answered his Q about needing a zwave app.

But, using a smartphone (with internet access) as hotspot, just to authenticate and login to Homey app, might work.
Not tested.

After initial setup Homey can work without internet connection. All automations will work (if they not depend on external services). What will not work without internet is authentication, which is off course not acceptable on this kind of product.

If that is your choice,
I guess that everyone for themselves can make a choice what is acceptable and what not.

It’s against “everything local” slogan presented on Homey’s website, and it’s simply a lie.
Homey Pro will work as long as Athom’s servers are online. That’s not what I paid for.


Thanks for letting us know,
But you have to contact Athom support for a solution.

Totally agree with dawid. Not acceptable.
They promise that it will work offline but in the end it does not.
Is there a possibility to launch a poll to see how many people also agree?

The internet is full of sites for polls.
The community does nat have this option for users.

Damit, I just purchased the pro, and I cannot believe it is not directly connected to LAN!!! GODDAMIT…

Really? Please, this is not a swear-all-you-like platform like X or ToxTik. Yeah I know you misspelled damnit, but thats not the point.
Just keep it a bit civilised please, thanks.

You embarras yourself here.

I just started to order a Pro to see what happens, and the ethernet dongle option is ticked by default.
It’s added to your purchase without your interaction :see_no_evil:

2nd, @Dijker wrote several times you (all) need to contact support, it’s of no use to complain on a user forum

Because you don’t read anything, I don’t expect a reply.
And if you reply, I won’t read it.

I think @UseMeDontAbuseMe was not talking about possibility to connect Homey through LAN adapter. Rather about lack of possibility to configure Homey Pro having only LAN/WLAN connection, without Internet.

  1. Homey Pro has no local dashboard so without Internet you cannot control Homey Pro from the browser. You need to open external my.homey.app website to connect to your Homey Pro.
  2. Mobile App cannot login directly to Homey Pro, because authorization requires Internet. If both Homey Pro and smartphone has no Internet connection, there is no way to access Homey through LAN with smartphone.

I made a ticket to Athom, but they told me that I can use mobile app (which is only partially true - you can control, but cannot login without Internet). and they marked ticket as RESOLVED :rofl:

You can use the app, if the previous session is still valid. If you haven’t used your app for days, then it will not work. I’m not sure how often it needs to re-auntenticate.

Still, your automations (Zigbee, Z-wave, IR, 433, local Network connected devices) will keep working.

I just wonder, did any of you actually performed any test to check your real experience? What did you learn, please share.

Does the Fibaro home Center 3 have this problem also?

There is an Ask Me Anything on June 3rd with the founders of Athom.
I think that anyone who feels the need to rand about this, can do it there.


You can try to find yourself a cheap 4G-router as a temp. solution (and keep it as a backup for when your ISP shuts you off the internet).
Or you can look for a WAN router with automatic 4G LTE failover solution for longlasting secure connections.

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I sent an email to them, here is the response, not sure I want to give a company my money…


Thanks for reaching out! Your request (xxxxxx) has been received and is being reviewed by our support staff.

Please note that we are currently experiencing a sharp increase in ticketload. This is why our expected reply time is 2-3 weeks. We are doing whatever we can to answer as many customers as soon as possible, but are currently at our limit, and are asking for your understanding.

One tip: Our ticket system pushes new tickets down to the bottom of the list every time you comment within the same ticket. Unless there is an urgent reason to send additional information (for example stopping an order cancellation), please refrain from sending additional messages within your ticket, as this will make your waiting time much longer than it has to be.

To add additional comments, you can simply reply to this mail.

Last comment I read from you, was that you were only considering buying a Homey Pro.
Instead of creating tickets and piling up workload for a device you don’t have, you better raise your questions to the sales department I think.

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