Homey Offline... but not completely

I need some help here.

I know my Homey is not completely offline, as i can see i requests a IP from the DHCP (and gets it) and automatic flows are also running.

On top op that the api is running, as i can make http get’s to trigger my flows.

But the app, developer site, insights and everything else keeps saying its offline.

It is driving me crazy. What the heck is wrong here?
I have restarted it like a million times. The entire network, all AP’s, firewalls, DHCP, DNS etc have also been restarted. Nothing helps.

The method that Athom uses to access Homey locally is fraught with potential issues.

Try running a tool like nslookup or dig to look up the address X-X-X-X.homey.homeylocal.com (where X-X-X-X is the local IP-address of your Homey but with periods replaced by hyphens, so for instance 192-168-1-100.homey.homeylocal.com).

Did it just stop working out of the blue, or was it because of something you changed in your local network (or performed a Homey firmware upgrade)?

I’ll check that

Im switching firewall, so I switch them back and forth to configure the new (until I’m done), but even with the old one, who’s config haven’t changed I still can’t access it.

It would make sense if it didn’t work with the new, but with the old it makes no sense.

Thru the magic of “I didn’t touch anything” it works both for the new and old firewall.
Guess it just needed a good nights sleep :slight_smile:

Guys, I am tired of those disconnections.
More and more often Homey stopped responding. After some time connection get restored by itself, but it can take up to several days to restore. Sometimes I need to access it at once and can’t wait for that blessing from Homey.

Devices in my house work as expected but I cannot connect to Homey neither through web browser nor via iOS app.
It is connected to 2.4GHz wifi (it cannot be done to 5GHz).

I have even resetted it once and set up from the start. It didn’t help…

Someone wrote that it is an old bug in Homey API. How can it be that this critical bug hasn’t been fixed after so many years? Or how can I avoid these problems?
Thank you. :slight_smile:

Yeah, I call it a bug.
1st, please install Net Scan or similar app, to monitor the connection with your router.
You’ll discover Homey is’nt really offline every time the mobile/web apps say so!

At my place, the only fix is to connect Homey with a (old) dedicated 2.4GHz wifi router. With 5GHz turned off!

Workaround: disable your phone’s wifi, open the app. When Homey is reachable again, enable the phone’s wifi again.

Only Athom knows: Support | Homey

This morning Homey became accessible for some hours, then it disappeared again.

I have Asus mesh routers with both 5GHz and 2.4GHz channels.

Signal from both routers is strong, Homey is placed between routers.

Outside of Wifi Homey is still inaccessible

With separate SSID’s? → That’s OK.
Or both joined to one SSID? → That confuses Homey somehow.

Make sure Homey sticks to one AP.
By bandsteering, MAC filtering or tuning the transmit power of AP’s.

These are different networks, i.e. I see them as separate networks in my wifi list.

Homey’s globe lights are okay (indicating that everything up and running, no red, purple or orange lights) and all Z-Wave and other devices work correctly. Asus app shows that Homey is offline:

I got a pair of Asus XT8 mesh routers.

I have resetted the Homey but during setup he can’t see my 2,4GHz network. Everything else can found it - mobile phones, PCs and laptops. But not Homey Pro 2019. I have even turned off 5GHz network to check if the Homey would see 2,4GHz. But it didn’t.

I could though add the network manually and it started working. For now.

Incredible, but I lost wi-fi connection within a day!
So it work first, at least 1 hour, I didn’t check for a while. But after about 6 hours connection has been lost again.

I don’t know, it worked before. Sometimes I lost the connection, but it wasn’t for so long.

I hope somebody can help. Thank you!

What’s the DHCP lease time in your network?

When I wrote ‘ipconfig /all’, then lease obtained yesterday at 21:00 and expires tomorrow.
Does Homey have problem with DHCP in general?

  • Should I setup my router in a specific way?
  • Or should I disable DHCP? What should I change it to in this case?

Not a specific issue, just wondering why Homey decides to drop the connection after a while, and since DHCP is time-related it could have been that. But it doesn’t sound likely.

Dhcp sounds as time-related, isnt it? When I set up Homey, it worked somehow (like I said, my wifi wasn’t in the list but I have added it manually and it worked for a while).
And I checked my Homey yesterday afternoon at evening when new DHCP has already been leased (I think so).

I don’t know what to do.

Under setup this Homey sees about 13 wifi networks, but not mine. To get access to Homey, do I need to reset it every time? That’s… strange…

There was only one possible problem (not likely though) - DHCP. I will try to change router to static IP because I have no idea what to do otherwise.

Under last reset/setup, Homey didn’t see my network in the list but it could connect to it anyway after about a minute. Now it doesn’t find my wi-fi network at all.

What can go wrong?

I couldn’t setup Homey since it couldn’t find my wifi. So I turned it off for 10 minutes.
After I turned it back on, it didn’t need to setup and all the devices were connected to it and worked. But Homey is still inaccessible.

Idk, I lost my mind trying to understand what is wrong with Homey, why everything can find my wifi but not Homey. And these rare occasions when it finds wifi, loses it within a day.

Did you report it to homey.app/support as well?

Here’s some more hints:

Oh nice. I tried to change a charger to 15W. Homey has clicked and then didn’t react at all. Furthermore, his LED ring started to glitch, it never ran again (running light), Homey itself has warmed up like it never did before, even with it’s old charger.

After it cooled down, it never turned on again. It was a very useful advice. :face_holding_back_tears:

Sounds like the Death By Charger issue* which seems to be going around more and more the last couple of weeks.

* meaning that Homey seems to be running on its last legs, and switching to a different charger causes it to finally crap out completely (even though most people think it’s caused by the charger I’m not convinced it is)

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It was exactly 2 years old, I have bought it on 2022-jun-28 . For me it seems too young age to die.