I’ve suspected that CGNAT might be a (partial) cause for many of the offline issues, but judging by what you’re saying, that doesn’t seem the case in your situation.
Further testing:
a) had my Chuck Norris probe running only every 30mins
b) Homey Pro 2023 web-app went offline, Homey Pro 2019 stayed accessible
c) My local NAS still received syslog event results from chucknorris API every 30mins. So Homey Pro 2023 obviously was still happy with respect to local-local connection as well as Homey-to-Internet.
d) By chance I saw that my NAS had reports in its event log that it had many nightly 3-6h updates of my dyndns settings. Strange, because usually this should only be needed upon IP updates. Stranger, the IPv4 logged was the same despite having a few dyndns updates in a row within second. Hard to tell, if this was due to IPv6 updates which I cannot see in the log, if that was the reason.
e) I tried something… I deactivated IPv6 support completely in my AVM fritzbox mesh master. It had to reconnect IPv4, and did not connect IPv6 as being disabled.
f) Homey Pro 2023 webapp was accessible again - No reboot of Homey Pro 2023 needed. It just was brought back to live… Either that was due to the general DSL reconnect or removing IPv6 out of the equation did the trick. At least sometimes I got the impression that a router restart instead of a Homey restart also could fix the connection.
Either that’s pure coincidence or is has something to do with IPv6. So next round of testing… Leave IPv6 deactivated in my router, leave everything else unchanged, and… wait…
Wouldn’t be the first device having trouble with IPv6.
I have a Fire TV stick that had internet disconnects (2 other Fire TV sticks never had this issue, but there is one - even being LAN connected, that freaks out and I never understood why this device of more than thirty others sporadically goes havoc in a quite similar fashion my Homey Pro 2023 does…). It was fine for weeks, but - and that could again by pure coincidence - yesterday also required some love, i.e. unplugging/rebooting.
So probably also something to try as a workaround… If you have IPv6 one could try if having only IPv4 helps, too. No guarantees, of course.
Updated 25.1.:
Just checked for CGNAT. I don’t have it. My router’s WAN IP is equal to what whatismyip.com says for my public IP. Also a tracert to my public IP does show just 2 entries: local IP of my DSL router and public IP.
However I can see that ~5mins after nightly DSL reconnects happening between 3-4 o`clock and usually around 3:2x I find ECONNREFUSED, EHOSTUNREACH, EHOSTUNREACH, ECONNREFUSED, Bad Gateway, Bad Gateway while doing a local request from Homey to another device (solar batterie’s webapi) sitting in the same network. These requests happend every 15sec and after 6-7 calls ~5min after the router’s DSL reconnect it get’s back to normal… However trying to use the web-based Homey app after that leaves my with “Homey is offline”. That is even if my WAN IP stays the same after the nightly reconnect which can but does not always happen.
Let’s see if Athom support having those logs and info can shed more light into that. Somehow it correlates with DSL reconnects, but what’s the cause…?
Currently logic demands: The topic name is wrong: It’s not “Homey losing internet”, but “Internet losing Homey”
- exclusion tests did show that it’s neither about WLAN and/or LAN
- local Homey to local NAS connections never failed (proven by syslog events)
- local mobile app to local Homey connections never failed (as mobile app on two devices still usable)
- Homey to Internet connections never failed (well at least until my Homey AC adapter died…
) (proven as Chuck Norris API calls kepts returning results for the local NAS syslog server)
- Internet/Athom cloud connections required for web-based app/dev tool access fail (the symptom people do report)
So this is what we know, but what don’t we know?
- is active Internet probing a remedy?
** does it depend on the frequency of the probe
** pure conicidence - is IPv6 involved or just a wild guess?
- Homey firmware/network adapter? - (and what’s the difference compared to Homey Pro 2019…)
- does it relate to router hardware/settings, internet provider, … - apparently though it’s not a generic issue at least for me but just for certain circumstances/end devices.
- …
IPv4 didn’t help: Internet to Homey offline over night again; Homey to Internet and local network online and all syslog events to local NAS still fine. Mobile app still connected, rebooting to adjust flow.
So will leave it the router set to IPv4, but increase the probe back to 15mins. It anything does the difference, probing frequency seems to be it.
Hi all,
it seems that we have a common problem, Internetr and Homey do not connect anymore, and the different colateral damages are spread in several topics in this community environment. I will make a seperate topic, in which I will link to these three. Is that OK?
I have gathered all related topics (including this current topic off course )into this new topic:
Probably you want to give the workaround (scheduled internet probe) a try and check if it helps to in your case. Even if this is no permanent solution it’s better than reboots. I think we could use more info by having a few more of us testing that with any internet target.
Compare: Homey Pro 2023 loses connection to cloud (server) and is offline - #30 by Michael_E
15min not working, setting to 10min. Had to reboot again after one night.
Over night had another connection loss even with 10mins probe.
However my syslogs showed some interesting data that I missed to see before.
I’m sending syslog events for an app that probes a local network device’s api every 15secs and it has “Bad Gateway” and “EHOSTUNREACH” in the log for a few minutes after it goes back to normal.
These logs reproducably happen a few minutes after my DSL router does its nightly reconnect at 3:xx to get a connection reset plus new IP.
I’m in contact with Athom support providing them the info and logs I have because that means a) Internet probing is most likely snake oil and b) it could be linked with the DSL reconnects our home routers do - and probably is something Athom wouldn’t see in a dev lab with neat fixed IP symetric Internet uplinks.
How can you put wifi off on the homey?
Enable setup mode (push pin for 8 secs)
Select ‘Use only LAN’
At least for me my Homey cloud connection offline issues disappeared. No more connection loss after nightly or forced router DSL reconnects for a couple of days. I.e. for me the issue seems solved. Probably your’s as well.
There was a server-side fix rolled out according to Peter.
It was no firmware issue or so of Homey itself.
Last week Homey implemented a server patch at their side, which is a solution for Homey getting offline!
So if alls is well, the offline symptoms should be gone (for now ;-))
I belive that the issue wqas the App on my mac simply crashing the Homey , if i left it open it froze the homey hub. must be some type of conflict
Its equipped with wifi in board,