[HowTo] Homey Backup and Restore - Homey Migration

Athom has released Homey Cloud Backup service in the latest firmware (4.0.0) and a restore option in the mobile App and Web based Homey Setup.
You need a Homey+ subscription to make backups and to be able to restore backups.

As Alpha tester I already tested restoring my production Homey to a second Homey. I want to share my experience and give tips to migrate for example your Homey to a Homey Pro. (or just any type to any other Homey)
This report is based on tests wit a pre-release version (Alpha Test - RC)

Homey makes by default a daily full backup to the could and keeps the last 7 backups available. You will be able to restore a complete configuration including Zigbee and Z-Wave inclusions (Pairings) but be aware it installs all previous installed apps from the app store. See my notes and warnings below!

As noted by Athom: Do not run multiple Homeys with the same config in the same environment! Powerdown and Reset the migrated Homey.

For replacing a defective Homey you don’t have much choice but for migrating from a good working Homey to for example a Homey Pro I would advice te plan and take time to migrate and verify. Just don’t reset a Working homey if you have not verified the restore is working.


  • Take your time and plan the migration;
  • Check if you have Apps in use that are installed using CLI (have them ready to reinstall);
  • Check if Apps you have installed are removed from the App store (plan for an alternative);
  • Check if you have flows (maybe devices) that are broken, remove them! The wont work anyway and distract from the real issues;
  • TestPlan: Plan / write down what you want to check after migration, it will help to test quickly;
  • Make notes from settings information for apps (Like: Server names, IP Addresses, Usernames and Passwords) Create a backup from app that support that (fe BetterLogic, CountDown timers * );
  • Check the Developer site Zigbee and Z-Wave. Homey Developer Tools Remove defective devices (fe Broken, Unknown ) and count the # devices/nodes. (just to verify.)
  • Create a “last” backup before you start in your original Homey, then when successful Power down your Homey!
  • Start (Powerup) your New Homey, start after at least ~30 seconds running the recovery (Orange) Connect Wifi (Green?) and Choose to restore a Backup. Choose the last backup you created just before;
  • Give Homey time, it will take time to download the backup (including Settings, Devices, Flows, Insights) and voice and restart. (Ledring Blue, Purple, Yellow …);
  • When Homey is ready, Give her more time! it will take time to download, install and start all your Apps! (Ledring Blue);
  • Reinstall all your CLI installed Apps to repair broken devices and flows;
  • Check if All Apps are running.
  • Check if you see Devices with problems (Broken, Spinning donut)
  • Check if you see broken flows!
  • Check the Developer site Zigbee and Z-Wave Homey Developer Tools (Does the number of devices correspond?)
  • Test your most important devices by switching them once on/off and verify fe a coupe of motion sensors and door contacts.
  • If Zigbee or Zwave devices or RF devices don’t work:
    • Have you placed the New Homey in the same location?
    • Power cycle a couple of Z-wave and Zigbee sockets (to clear internal counters referring to the old Homey) and re-test.
    • PtP for once, Power cycle Homey give her a couple of minutes to cool down, power her up and take a drink (Coffee, good wine, beer, enjoy it first …) and then test again!

If everything seems OK, Congrats! You have successfully migratie your Homey to a new Homey! Don’t Forget to Finish up! or if it wasn’t what you expected read the Rollback procedure!

Reconnect your external device to this Homey:

  • Google Home, Alexa, Etc. … (Not yet tested)
  • Change the IP Reservation in your Router for the new Homey to the old (if you needed that tor something)
  • Change the IP/Cloud ID/URL/Bearer for external incoming connections you might have created once.
  • Configure (verify) Backup for your New Homey, and Press backup Now to verify a successful backup.
  • etc.
  • Don’t forget to Reset your old Homey (Powerup, after ~ 30 Seconds Roll over and use Recovery to reset her)

Troubleshooting Procedure:
If it didn’t work, ask yourself why didn’t this work? Have you tested this the same way before the restore?
Is it due to a know Issue? (Missing App or Newer App from store restored)
Is something not working that normally should work after a restore (fe Missing Zigbee or Z-wave Devices in Developer site, missing users or missing Apps that are available in the app store)
For This Last one, make screenshots of errors, Submit a Log from Homey to Athom and describe what you see and What you have done (and date/time of your backup you restored) Create a support ticket on the Athom support site. (Just because I know Bug and Error free software is an illusion! )
If it is an Community App inform the developer with this information and/or describe your issue with as much info possible here on the Community forum!

Rollback Procedure:
Then, after troubleshooting, powerdown your Failed migrated Homey (Or Reset it to factory Defaults)
Powerup your old Homey and plan your migration again.

Notes and WARNINGS:
WARNING: Manual installed (CLI) apps will be missing from your restored Homey, I have not yet tested this but expect it should work by reinstalling these apps after a restore. So you still need the local sources!
WARNING: Installed Apps that have been removed from the Appstore will be missing! No solution that I know beside a CLI install if you have a download/fork of the original App (Git) Source.
WARNING: Installed (old) Apps that have been updated in the Athom App store will be reinstalled with the newest version published in the store. This can contain updates with breaking changes.

Update 20200218: Tested on request to backup a Homey with a CLI installed app with Devices and Flows. Used a “Simple” RF433 App (Currently half functioning) and restored to 2nd Homey. For What I can see Devices and Flows are “Broken” until you re-install the CLI Installed App. After re-install from CLI it just works as before. Used Community Backup & Restore for Homey to verify the restore / reinstall and verified the Device working as before. (I expect it is also working for other Apps with fe Z-Wave or Zigbee Devices, pls let me know!)

• looking for nice Developer WebAPI Playground Oneliners to test Homey. FE

// Get Available Updates for Apps in AppStore
Homey.apps.getApps().then(f => Object.values(f).reduce((r,b)=>Object.assign(r, {[b.name]:b.updateAvailable}), {}));


This is what I get when trying to create a backup. I have paid for Homey+ I have restarted Homey, I have cut the power for 30 minutes. Nothing works.

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I think you better report that to Athom support directly…

Ok, you can ignore the rate limmited. It just prevents one Homey to submit backup after backup in a to short time.
Pls wait some time (don’t know exactly, try one hour or maybe two), and have Homey running for at least ~ 15 minutes so everything should settle down. Press once backup and when you have the insights timeout submit a log from Homey and make a support ticket w/o the the screenshot and the log code.

Thanks for testing this experimental release!

I have waited a few hours between trying to backup, not working. If I check my account, there’s no backups.

Perhaps the backup feature has only been tested with fast low-latency connections? What kind of internet connection do you have?

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Worked flawlessly here

I have 250/250 line. And it can not be the power adapter, I use a 3A adapter :slightly_smiling_face:

Are you using something like PiHole perhaps? Or similar filtering software that might get in the way.

Sorry missed that, just submit a support ticket,
Guess we get a new RC or they will fix it in the Cloud.

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I have a built-in antivirus in my tp-deco 5, but i tried to disable that but it made no difference.

Wow! That means all the way from here Down Under I will have no way to back up my Homey.


Raspberry Pi blocking software:
Backup is working with PiHole, AdBlock and Eblocker.

It was just a thought, don’t assume this!

Also using Pi-hole in default config and all is working well

I think he was joking :wink:

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Is it possible to mark a backup to be kept longer?

For me the reason to keep a backup is being able to rollback.
That is when I do major changes to my flows, sometimes I find out I really messed things up. In that case I want to roll back to my previous state.

But if homey backs up every day and keeps the last 7 backups. My rollback is limited to 7 days.

I want to be in control of my backups…

So an Option would be fine. When you’re e.g. on Holiday for more then 7 Days and there is something with Homey in this Time the Error is also in the Backup when coming Home.

At the Moment, i think, Disabling autom. Backup when away for more then 7 Days. In this Time normally doing nothing with Flows.

Have a Holiday-Mode-Flow. Now this sends me a Push when switching Mode On and remind me to disable autom. Backup. Same when Mode is Off > Enable autom. Backup.


Only by disabling the backup and/or deleting the second last backup to keep it always below 6 backups.

I think i already know the answer, but is It possible to restore single flows and other stuff , or only complete restore via recovery?