Heimdall - Let Homey watch over your home

Change Log

Current version 2.10.15, 20.10.16, 2.10.17

  • Added RDIF tag to user settings

Previous version 2.10.14

  • Added RDIF tag to user settings

Previous version 2.10.13

  • Updated homey-api to 3.0.6

Previous version 2.10.12

  • Improved retrieving zone names

Previous test version 2.10.11

  • Updated homey-api to 3.0.0-rc.18
  • Improved retrieving zone names

Previous version 2.10.6

  • Lowered minimum required firmware version

Previous version 2.10.4

  • Updated homey-api to 3.0.0-rc.10

Previous test version 2.10.3

  • Small fix for keypads

Previous test version 2.10.2

  • Updated homey-api to 3.0.0-rc.6
  • Workaround for Homey Pro before 2023 compatibility

Previous version 2.3.15

  • Last version for Homey Pro pre 2023 (for now)

Unannounced test version 2.3.14

  • Code clean up
  • Added code comments

Previous test version 2.3.13

  • Updated Homey API to 1.10.8

Previous test version 2.3.12

  • Updated Homey API to 1.10.5
  • Code cleanup
  • Better workaround for homey-api bug

Unannounced test versions 2.3.9, 2.3.10, 2.3.11

  • Incremental updates leading to 2.3.12

Previous stable version 2.3.8

  • Fixed incorrect devicestatus in app settings

Previous version 2.3.7

  • Minor change in error handling

Previous version 2.3.6

  • Fixed a bug in the flowcards to add or remove a Surveillance Mode, Delay or logging to/from a device

Previous version 2.3.5

  • SDK3 support and conversion from athom-api to homey-api

Previous version 2.1.6

  • Fixed Last seen in devicesettings

Previous version 2.1.5

  • Extended functionality for 3rd party Keypanels

Previous version 2.1.4

  • Extended functionality for 3rd party Keypanels

Previous version 2.1.3

  • Extended functionality for 3rd party Keypanels

Previous version 2.1.1

  • Added Hints to flowcards

Previous version 2.1.0

  • Added User Management

Previous version 2.0.42

  • No functional changes, resubmission to enable App Store languages

Previous version 2.0.41

  • Skipped due to the workings of the submission process

Previous version 2.0.40

  • Fixed bug in Pre-Arming Check

Previous version 2.0.39

  • Updated Athom API to 3.1.20
  • Code cleanup

Previous version 2.0.38

  • Added Danish language
  • Added Zone tag to A logine was written flowcard

Previous version 2.0.37

  • Added Spanish language

Previous version 2.0.36

  • Added localised app description for the app store
  • Fixed some Dutch translations

Previous version 2.0.35

  • Added Swedish language
  • Added Norwegian language
  • Localised notification on Surveillance Mode change
  • Fixed some French translations

Unpublished versions 2.0.24, 2.0.25, 2.0.26, 2.0.27, 2.0.28, 2.0.29, 2.0.30, 2.0.31, 2.0.32, 2.0.33, 2.0.34

  • Adjustments for the new app store

Previous version 2.0.23

  • Added condition flowcard to check if a device is part of the Partial Surveillance Mode
  • Added action flowcard to add a device to the Partial Surveillance Mode
  • Added action flowcard to remove a device from the Partial Surveillance Mode
  • Added condition flowcard to check if a device is part of the Full Surveillance Mode
  • Added action flowcard to add a device to the Full Surveillance Mode
  • Added action flowcard to remove a device from the Full Surveillance Mode

Previous version 2.0.22

  • Fixed bug, introduced in 2.0.21, that caused devices to not log
  • Added condition flowcard to check if a device is logged
  • Added action flowcard to add logging to device
  • Added action flowcard to remove logging from device

Previous version 2.0.21

  • Added condition flowcard to check if a device is delayed
  • Added action flowcard to add delay to device
  • Added action flowcard to remove delay from device

Previous version 2.0.20

  • Added Italian translation
  • Added ‘Allow Alarm while in alarm delay

Previous version 2.0.19

  • Updated athom-api (2.1.179)

Previous Version 2.0.18

  • Code cleanup
  • Added French translation (Work in progress)
  • Changed compatibility to >=2.0.5

Previous version 2.0.17

  • Translation improvements

Previous version 2.0.16

  • Fixed tag value on The arming delay is started card (Github)
  • Added translators to App Store

Previous version 2.0.15

  • Added Alarm Off function to Surveillance Mode Switch

Previous version 2.0.14

  • Improved dutch translations

Previous version 2.0.13

  • Added Alarm indicator to Alarm Off Button
  • Added Alarm indicator to Surveillance Mode Switch

(Requires removing and re-adding of devices)

Previous version 2.0.12

  • Updated athom-api (2.1.166)

Previous version 2.0.11

  • Split Devices page into status- and settingspage

Previous version 2.0.10

  • Added new flow card: The arming delay is activated

Previous version 2.0.9

  • Improved device not ready handling

Previous version 2.0.8

  • Added Check status of all sensors function
  • Prevent starting a new Arming Delay when one is active
  • Minor translation improvements

Previous version 2.0.7

  • Improved device enumeration

Previous version 2.0.6

  • Settings tabs automatically adjust to screenwidth

Previous version 2.0.5

  • Improved settings user interface
  • Code cleanup

Previous version 2.0.4

  • Prevent creation of default flow cards for Surveillance Mode Switch
  • Added examples to flowcard tags
  • Code cleanup

Previous version 2.0.3

  • Small change in write to Timeline functionality

Previous version 2.0.2

  • Improved code for enumerating devices

Previous version 2.0.1

  • Fixed translations

Previous version 2.0.0

  • First version for Homey software 2.0

Heimdall 1.0.25 is the last version for Homey software 1.x

Previous version 1.0.25

  • Removed temporary code

Previous version 1.0.24

  • Improved sensor communication check
  • Code cleanup

Previous version 1.0.23

  • Check if sensors communicated with Homey in the last 24 hours

Previous version 1.0.22

  • Added Last Door functionality
  • Split Trigger Delay to 2 separate settings, Arming Delay and Alarm Delay
  • Changed Delay range to 0-300 seconds
  • Minor layout changes to settings pages

Previous version 1.0.21

  • Added support for Vibration sensors

Previous version 1.0.20

Previous version 1.0.19

Previous version 1.0.18

  • Updated Community ID

Previous version 1.0.17

  • Not released

Current version 1.0.16

  • Support for non-sensor devices with Contact, Motion and Tamper capabilities

Previous version 1.0.15

  • Added ‘Alarm State’ condition flow card

Previous version 1.0.14

  • Minor translation fixes

Previous version 1.0.13

  • Added flowcard that triggers when a logline is written

Previous version 1.0.12

  • Minor translation fixes

Previous version 1.0.11

  • Added battery indicator to devices

Previous version 1.0.10

Previous version 1.0.9

  • Code cleanup, removed lodash dependency
  • Minor translation fixes
  • Added interpunction to Speech output to make it sound more natural

Previous version 1.0.8

Previous version 1.0.7

Previous version 1.0.6

  • Added support for tampering detection

Previous version 1.0.5

Previous version 1.0.4

  • Arming delay selectable per Surveillance Mode

Previous version 1.0.3

Previous version 1.0.2 β

  • Added pre-arming check

Previous version 1.0.0

  • No functional changes, previous beta promoted to stable

Previous version 0.1.11 Beta

  • Automatic history cleanup, 20% at 3000 lines

Previous version 0.1.10 Beta

Previous version 0.1.9 Beta

  • Added saving Auto refresh and Use colors settings on Dashboard tab in settings
  • Code cleanup, preparing for release

Previous version 0.1.8 Beta

Previous version 0.1.7 Beta

Previous version 0.1.6 Beta

Previous version: 0.1.5 Alpha

  • Test version for Homeykit compatibility

Previous version: 0.1.4 Beta

  • Added colors to History view
  • Added ‘The alarm is deactivated’ flow card
  • More translations

Previous version: 0.1.3 Beta

  • Improved History view
  • Improved translations

Previous version: 0.1.2 Beta

Previous version: 0.1.1 Beta

  • Code cleanup

Previous version: 0.1.0 Beta

  • Initial release

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