Heimdall - Let Homey watch over your home

New version published.

Version 2.3.15

  • Last version for Homey Pro pre 2023 (for now)

Last version? What? Why? Will you no longer support Heimdall on my old homey? WTF?

Yes… for now that is.
I’ll not go into the exact details as that will get rather technical and may lead to useless discussions. I’ll keep it with this explanation:

In the new Homey Pro Early 2023 there are some changes under the hood which affects apps using the homey-api.

Athom is aware of the consequences of these changes and is working on a fix that will make it possible for apps using homey-api to run on both older and newer Homey’s.

So for now newer version of Heimdall will be only available for Homey Pro Early 2023. When Athom delivers the fix I will make sure the newer versions of Heimdall will be also available for older Homey’s.

Now, to elaborate on what this version actually brings, it contains the fixes earlier available in the test versions that fix the problems that surfaced after the update to SDK3 and switching from athom-api to homey-api. The problems were caused by missing functionality in homey-api and were fixed by Athom. This enabled me to remove the workarounds that caused too much CPU and Memory under certain circumstances.

Btw; This version will run on Homey Pro Early 2023 but some functionalities will not work as expected. I’m aware and working on fixes, it is not needed to inform me of bugs on Homey Pro Early 2023 until I publish a version for that platform.