Heimdall - Let Homey watch over your home

In preparation I’ve added functionality that detects the ‘Platform Version’, Heimdall will recognise it’s running on a Homey (pro) -2023 or a Homey Pro 2023-. When running on a Homey Pro 2023- al speech related stuff will be unavailable, on older Homey’s it will show everything like you’re used too.

So that’s the theory.
I’ve not been able to test this as I’ve not yet received my Homey Pro 2023 and my questions in the AMA and on slack on how a Homey Pro 2023 would handle the required "homey:manager:speech-output" permission on ‘older’ Homey’s have not be answered.

I’ll do my best to keep it like it is for ‘older’ Homey’s but unfortunately we are dependent on Athom here.


Issue solved. Thanks for this great app.

You’re welcome and thank you for your donation, much appreciated!

Preliminary test!
Installed the test version of Heimdall via the app store on my new Homey Pro 2023. No error and the sound settings are hidden in the settings so it’s looking good!
This test version does include speech on pre 2023 Homey’s so it seems the app can exist with speech support for the older Homey’s without causing problems on the new Homey Pro 2023!


New version published.

Version 2.3.15

  • Last version for Homey Pro pre 2023 (for now)

Last version? What? Why? Will you no longer support Heimdall on my old homey? WTF?

Yes… for now that is.
I’ll not go into the exact details as that will get rather technical and may lead to useless discussions. I’ll keep it with this explanation:

In the new Homey Pro Early 2023 there are some changes under the hood which affects apps using the homey-api.

Athom is aware of the consequences of these changes and is working on a fix that will make it possible for apps using homey-api to run on both older and newer Homey’s.

So for now newer version of Heimdall will be only available for Homey Pro Early 2023. When Athom delivers the fix I will make sure the newer versions of Heimdall will be also available for older Homey’s.

Now, to elaborate on what this version actually brings, it contains the fixes earlier available in the test versions that fix the problems that surfaced after the update to SDK3 and switching from athom-api to homey-api. The problems were caused by missing functionality in homey-api and were fixed by Athom. This enabled me to remove the workarounds that caused too much CPU and Memory under certain circumstances.

Btw; This version will run on Homey Pro Early 2023 but some functionalities will not work as expected. I’m aware and working on fixes, it is not needed to inform me of bugs on Homey Pro Early 2023 until I publish a version for that platform.


Good enough for me. Heimdall works bug free at the moment on the Homey Pro 2019… So we can wait.

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Great work and thanks for your explanations.


Thank you Danee for the clear explanation. How do we know when Athom delivers a fix? Or will the news be in this community threat?

Well, that news will be most certainly published here, don’t worry :slightly_smiling_face:

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A little update on the progress on the Homey Pro Early 2023 version of Heimdall, I’ve just published a test version to the App Store with a few fixes for changes under the hood in the new Homey.
There’s still some things to iron out on Athom’s side but these are mostly cosmetic and have no impact on the way Heimdall works.

While publishing the new test version I also found out there’s still a little under a thousand users that are not using the most current stable version of Heimdall. I hope everybody reading this will check if autoupdate is enabled on Heimdall and if not, will enable it.

When Heimdall performs satisfactorily on Homey Pro Early 2023 I will publish it to stable, but will require a minimum Homey firmware version that is not (yet?) available for Homey Pro Pre 2023.


New test version published.

Version 2.10.2

  • Updated homey-api to 3.0.0-rc.6
  • Workaround for Homey Pro before 2023 compatibility

This version is updated to the latest Release Candidate of the homey-api but unfortunately that version does not offer the compatibility layer that should fix the differences between older and newer Homeys.

But now worries, I was able to work out my very own workaround for the differences so this new version will also work on older Homeys!

So, I’ve lowered the required firmware version back to 8.0.0 so you are able to run this version also on your current Homey!


New test version published.

Version 2.10.3

  • Small fix for keypads

This update contains a fix for a problem with the display of an Arming- and Alarm Delay on a Ring Keypad V1

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I’ve tested some alarms in the App and I noticed that when multiple alarms are activated from different devices, the App only reports the first alarm and ignores the rest. This is the same for partial and full arming.
I even tried setting off different devices first and the result was the same. Only the first device reported in the timeline and push notifications.

Thats right, when the Alarm State is activated, well, it’s activated and can not be activated again.
Please use the Sensor tripped in Alarmstate trigger card to register what happens while in an active Alarm State. This is completely by design.

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OK, that makes sense.

New version published.

Homey Pro Early 2023 only

Version 2.10.4

  • Updated homey-api to 3.0.0-rc.10

This version requires at least firmware version 10.0.0. This means this can only be installed on the new Homey Pro Early 2023. Unfortunately the homey-api on which Heimdall heavily relies is not yet final. Because of that there’s not guarantee that it’s fully compatible with the older Homeys so I decided to not make this version available for older Homey because I don’t want to cause problems for existing users.

Support for older Homey version will return if this can be done in a sensible way. When the homey-api is final and works reliable on both the new and old Homey’s and Heimdall can be used on both version from the same codebase without workarounds for any platform I will release a version that supports both platforms.


New version published

Version 2.10.6

  • Lowered minimum required firmware version

Athom doesn’t allow publishing apps that require at least firmware 10.0.0 to specifically target the new Homey Pro Early 2023 so I’ve lowered the required firmware back to 8.0.0.

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Hi @DaneedeKruyff
Thanks for the app, I’ve been using it without issues for years.
But today heimdall auto updated to v2.10.7 after which it crashed. Relaunching the app gives same result. Reboot gives same result. Will do a ptp later today. Homey pro with 8.0.5 fw.

Hi Kevin,

Please update your Homey to the latest firmware 8.1.3. I’m not sure what’s happening but I’ve not received any crash reports.

I have a few homey not on the latest firmware and those also give the heimdall crashes . Didn’t have the time yet to update then but the homeys on a ip2datw firmware don’t crash after the update.

Update: I updated 2 homeys that crashed with the lastest firmware and Heimdall doesn’t crash anymore
Seems it triggers a bug in older firmwares

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