Google Nest SDM

I guess when your homey is offline for a while you get charged for this over 24 hours topic messages

there are two types , pull and push.

you only set the ack deadline and message retention for Pull, these are at 30s and 600s in the app.

for push messages, these are sent to homey webhook endpoint service, not your own homey. Need to check on this but pretty sure i cannot even set the retention in the app for this.

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A few days ago I installed this app and added 3 Nest Protects. No problem, running, connecting and reporting just fine. Today I got a new Nest Thermostat V3 but when I want to add it to Homey I get the error in the screenshot. I log in and get the error 'Something went wrong.

Nest error

Any ideas whatā€™s going wrong?

Nest protects go via the legacy nest method for Auth.

All others go via Nest SDM API.

Did you complete the SDM setup?

Hi Martin, I donā€™t know. Probably not. Can you show me in a direction?

It is in the app setupā€¦

Hi Martin,
this is the part that I do not get and the error "Something went wrong: pops up.

So I should get that but itā€™s no show.

Can you comfirm that this should be okay or have I filled in something wrong?

Onderste project id lijkt me niet goed, dat moet een lange string met streepjes zijn. De bovenste is degene die je op de onderste moet hebben.

Dus bovenste id is niet goed

Hoi Martin, thanks, daarmee was het opgelost! Alles komt tevoorschijn en lijkt te werken. Maar in de app zie ik dit. Enig idee hoe dat te verhelpen?

Doe eens een herstart van de app. Even kijken of dat dit oplost. Hoor je eigenlijk niet te krijgenā€¦

Ik heb de app herstart en dat hielp niet. Homey herstart en dat hielp ook niet. Hieronder het bovenste stuk van het log.

undefined2024-02-04T19:39:22.956Z [log] [NestApp] initNestLegacy() Authorized

2024-02-04T19:39:22.952Z [log] auth() NEST Legacy Authentication successful.

2024-02-04T19:39:19.023Z [err] [NestApp] checkOnCloud() Create Cloud problem Error: checkGCPProject() 400 Bad Request, did you copy the correct projectID? ID found is [Homey SDM app]

at NestApp.checkGCPProject (/app/app.js:724:10)

at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

at async NestApp.createCloud (/app/app.js:704:3)

2024-02-04T19:39:18.899Z [log] NEST Legacy Authenticating via Google using Google.auth.

2024-02-04T19:38:44.297Z [log] [NestApp] initNestLegacy() Authorized

2024-02-04T19:38:44.291Z [log] auth() NEST Legacy Authentication successful.

2024-02-04T19:38:40.078Z [err] [NestApp] checkOnCloud() Create Cloud problem Error: checkGCPProject() 400 Bad Request, did you copy the correct projectID? ID found is [Homey SDM app]

at NestApp.checkGCPProject (/app/app.js:724:10)

at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

at async NestApp.createCloud (/app/app.js:704:3)

2024-02-04T19:38:39.575Z [log] [ManagerDrivers] [Driver:thermostat] [Device:d2011186-7c23-43ef-a54f-234d80e8119e] onOAuth2Init() -> success

2024-02-04T19:38:39.573Z [log] [ManagerDrivers] [Driver:thermostat] [Device:d2011186-7c23-43ef-a54f-234d80e8119e] onOAuth2Init()

2024-02-04T19:38:39.561Z [log] [ManagerDrivers] [Driver:protect] [Device:4b28f85c-c20b-46af-8416-fd0097d8f6f2] Init device Upstairs

2024-02-04T19:38:39.542Z [log] [ManagerDrivers] [Driver:protect] [Device:42b18302-a58b-47f8-8466-167dcf84ac4d] Init device Hallway

2024-02-04T19:38:39.540Z [log] [ManagerDrivers] [Driver:protect] [Device:3a23c5b0-6112-417c-a55c-79859ed0ab42] Init device Attic

2024-02-04T19:38:39.223Z [log] [NestApp] setHomeyWebhook() -> created webHook

2024-02-04T19:38:38.358Z [log] [ManagerDrivers] [Driver:thermostat] onOAuth2Init() -> success

2024-02-04T19:38:38.330Z [log] [ManagerDrivers] [Driver:thermostat] onOAuth2Init()

2024-02-04T19:38:38.326Z [log] [ManagerDrivers] [Driver:protect] Init Driver Nest Protect

2024-02-04T19:38:38.295Z [log] [ManagerDrivers] [Driver:hub] onOAuth2Init() -> success

2024-02-04T19:38:38.292Z [log] [ManagerDrivers] [Driver:hub] onOAuth2Init()

2024-02-04T19:38:38.278Z [log] [ManagerDrivers] [Driver:doorbell] onOAuth2Init() -> success

2024-02-04T19:38:38.278Z [log] [ManagerDrivers] [Driver:doorbell] onOAuth2Init()

2024-02-04T19:38:38.277Z [log] [ManagerDrivers] [Driver:camera] onOAuth2Init() -> success

2024-02-04T19:38:38.267Z [log] [ManagerDrivers] [Driver:camera] onOAuth2Init()

Zo te zien heb je de naam van het GCP project gekopieerd en niet het project id

Sorry, maar waar vind ik dat Project ID? Ik zoek me kwijt.

Thanks, gevonden!
Bedankt voor je hulp, Martin!

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This is the English section

Oopsā€¦ apologies for thatā€¦

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We can use Google translate etc, itā€™s not the end of the world, itā€™s just the consistency and organisations of the ā€œthingā€

Somehow Iā€™d not enabled pub/sub. Now it works!

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