Google lntegration lost and can not be repaired (other then reboot modem / router / Homey): Athom is aware

So, as we call it in Dutch “met samengeknepen billen” I did a reset of Homey and selected to only use LAN. All devices seemed to be disconnected :frowning: (Heartbeat up to 200) , but a few seconds later they all came up again…pfff

This is the result:

So now, let’s wait how long it will last this time… :crossed_fingers:


You might even observe that temperature will decrease by 0.5-1C :wink:

Ha ha, rather this happens during the hot months than in these cold windy wintermonths :joy:

@Michel_Bos I am really, really interested if it’s Ok now. Too bad we have to wait at least 24hrs.

I understand the “samengeknepen billen” all too well, that’s why I am reluctant to do the procedure too.

Goed weekend, have a nice weekend all.

Btw it’s good to see that we all strive to get through this problem, nice community. Hope Homey devs read these posts too.

Hi @Prom

it looks like it’s working. What I did to test is that I disabled Wfi on my phone and where I ‘normally’ get an offline situation, I got contact with Homey!

The reset procedure: after the 8 seconds with the pin at the bottum of your Homey, it looks like it is still available. So add a new Homey anyway, even though you see it in the list, and select Homey Pro. Hi will find your Homey and after that it recognizes it is already ‘active’ and you can connect with ‘only LAN’.

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Hi, so this evening I’ve setup my homey to use wired only. Made a local backup first. All went smooth.
Hoping problems are now gone. But (and this is for the Homey devs that maybe reading this), the problem is not gone with us disabling the wifi. I hope that other people, that only use Wifi, wont have this problem. But I cannot say for sure because I started having the problem when I was on Wifi connect (I presuming this because I hooked up my wired adapter the wrong way).

So if Wifi users do have this problem, use the info in this thread to your advantage and of course Good Luck.

Cheers all.

:frowning: :frowning: :frowning:

Yesterday evening I killed the flow that restarted Homey every night. This morning stood up, hopefully, and went downstairs. Ordered Google to put out one of the lights thta was automatically turned on.

Google said that the device was not available at the moment… :frowning: Back to where we started??

One option still, rebooting my modem, my router and Homey…

Reboot everything to get clean start is a good thing to do. Here is working well up to now…. Keep you posted how long it will last/work.

Rebooting all didn’t do the trick for me. In a few hours It lasted a few hours :frowning:

I have talked to my son about this issue. He doesn’t experience any of it. So what’s the difference? He uses another LAN adapter, not the standard Athom supplies. So two things I can do.

  1. Disable LAN and go back to only Wifi. That would be a strange one off course, since we focus on the Wifi part that is causing the troubles.
    NOTE: I had disabled Wifi, so resetting while having removed the LAN adapter didn’t work. Off course, since there was no left possibility to connect :frowning:
    I have resetted again with Lan adaopter and restarted allowing wifi. I immediately made the ip-adress for Homey wifi static. Just in case.
  2. Replace my LAN adapter with a same one as my son’s

Since he has to find this Lan adapter in his place (he has two), I start with option 1. Off course I have to reset Homey again :frowning:

Keep you posted…

For me the nightly DSL AVM router’s reconnect kills the Homey cloud connection. If I do manual DSL router reconnects in my routers admin UI, Homey Pro 2023 get’s offline from cloud, too. Reboot through local mobile app does recover it. Can repeat that cycle.
Posted Athom my DSL router logs telling them that’s a way I could reproduce this and that it explains my over-night disconnects. So in case your DSL routers also have to reconnect every 24h because otherwise your provider would, you might want to have your Homey reboot after that to work around it.
So basically I discarded all ideas like WiFi/LAN/AC adapter, IPv4/IPv6, Internet probing, etc. having tried all combinations meanwhile.

Thx for the update @Michael_E ! If that would be the case, it saves a lot of time.

I already intended to leave my situation with both Wifi and Lan active, since I did not have this situation before. Whoi knows. With your discovery it gives me another reason to let it now as it is :slight_smile:

My contact @Athom for this is Peter. Who’s yours @Michael_E ? If that is another one, we might inform them both thatr they are on this issue, in case they didn;'t themselves (which I doubt by the way). Just to be sure.

same, Peter. He also said he’s gonna collect all feedback so probably he indirectly knows what’s connected as he also mentioned Google Home issues.

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How about temporary switching LAN adapters? Or does your son want the troubles to stay with you :face_with_peeking_eye: :grimacing:

@Michel_Bos Thank you for your welcome words.

I managed the next day to connect with Google Home for some reason. But now I have a different problem that a number of Hue devices go offline in Homey after a number of hours or days with the message:
“Matter device was set to factory settings or was removed externally from Homey [originally in Dutch]”

I see no other way than to restart Homey as there is no app to restart nor does Homey have an option in the tools site.

I found this thread, but there seems to be no active thread on this?

I am not amused.

Ha ha. No, he does 't want to switch, mostly because he has one at spare😎

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:frowning: This morning it was offline again. Although it worked for longer time it isn’t the solution. I am on wired network only, no wifi. Back to the drawing board.

a. Did you try locking Homey to access point?
b. Exclude that access point from the channel optimisation and Global AP settings?

I have almost the same set up as you but I do not see Homey going offline.
Here’s my set-up:

  1. Internet:
  • Fiber with fixed IP address assigned by the provider
  • Router Unify USG-3P
  1. WiFi
  • 5x UAP-AC-PRO and some switches
  • APs are operating in regular access point mode (not mesh)
  • Nightly Channel optimisation on, but excluded for the AP Office which Homey is using.
  • AP Office is not included in Global AP Settings.
  • AP Office settings are below.
  • Band Steering off
  • Advanced settings are below.
  1. HP2023 10.3.0-rc.7 (waiting for it to go back to official)
  • Connected to the closest AP (1m away, I know it is not ideal) and connected by LAN
  • LAN using the Google ethernet adapter, fixed IP assigned by router
  • WiFi a different fixed IP assigned by router, NOT locked to access point


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“Matter device was set to factory settings or was removed externally from Homey [originally in Dutch]”

I am not sure @Prom has the same issue as me, but I have Unifi too so will try this right now. I also ordered the original ethernet adapter.


That actually is the active thread I think.
And the ‘solution’ is, in short, don’t upgrade Hue with Matter

@Rrrr really appreciate the detailed info you gave us. I suspected wifi also but, the last test is done with wifi completely disabled on the homey. To be honest, I am a bit lost now. I do have unifi equipment, but as I said the homey is on wired lan now.