Aqara FP2, mmWave presence detection on WiFi

I selected the sensor in devices & services on HA, you see the device info etc and under the section sensors i selected presence sensor and hit settings icon in right top, that showed me the menus to change device class. After you’re done hit update and re-add it to homey and it works

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Ah nice! So we both learned a thing or 2 today. Thanks!
@Cornevaa Does homekit not expose the other zone sensors as well? AFAIK the FP2 has more than one occupancy sensor?
Or do you add every zone sensor as separate sensor to HA?

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now is just a better PIR :))

I’m gonna look into that later today, i didn’t create any zones yet so i don’t know

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Okay the zones are showing up in HA, but homey doesn’t detect multiple motion zones. I tried to give them different device class names and i could get up to 3 zones into homey but i need to test more to see if it can do what i want

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I am also happy to donate 20 EUR

me too

At the moment I’m waiting to see if Athom will make a change to the Webhook server, as Aqara require a specific return value to indicate it is working.
I have verified it works by making my Homey a proxy, but that requires running a server on my Homey and setting up a port forward on my router. That’s not something I can rely on in a production environment.


Thanks for the update.

Is there anything we can do to help encourage a quick response from Athom?

You can’t create a public API endpoint in your app and use Athom’s proxy (

Two problems with that:

  1. The user will have to setup an Aqara developer account to configure the Webhook address for their Homey.
  2. The API doesn’t seem to allow me to specify the required response to the POST message sent by Aqara. I did try but Aqara failed to validate the response.
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Using the HA community app?
Can you post your device details (entities used) and entity details (HA developer tools/states) in this thread?

If the zones are entities they should appear as text sensors in Homey (added via device settings or repair vie/add entity). But perhaps that just linked zones.

I made it work with just homekit the aqara app and homey. (So only on iphone)

  1. Add the fp2 sensor in aqara. And add zones etc.
  2. Make sure the fp2 zones are ported to homekit from within the aqara app. (So visible in the apple home app)
  3. Make a virtual device in homey with the homekitty app and make it visible in the apple home app through homekitty.
  4. Make an automation to turn on/off the virtual homey device with the homekit aqara zones. (In the home app from apple)
    Example if zone kitchen is occupied → turn on virtual device kitchen. This virtual device will turn on/off in homey and can be used for flows.
    PS you need 2 automations in homekit. One to turn on, and one to turn off!

Et voila, you can use your virtual device in homey for your automations. Works like a charm for me.
Fp2 with homey using homekit as a “bridge”
I have 2 sensors for about 2-3 months now. And 3 zones per sensors. I give it an 8,5/10.
Works in most situations, some delay 1-1,5 seconds I think. And in the beginning I needed a lot of “relearning” from the aqara app. (Reset absence, so it learns)


That sounds useable. How’s the delay?
Did you use a homebridge server or just homekit running on an appleTV or iPad etc?

My “hub” is an apple homepod mini. So just homekit, no special things.
But could also be an apple tv off course.

Just updated my text. Delay of about 1-2 seconds. Acceptable in my opinion.

how did you manage?

See post 173 (only iphone users with homekit)

Thx for the instruction, however I don’t understand point 3.

  • create virtual device is clear, but I don’t see that option in homekitty. I create virtuals with “Virtuele Apparaten”
  • "and make it visible in the apple home app through homekitty" How do you do that?

Maybe good to mention that you need a HomeKit hub to add the automation. (Apple TV or HomePod). I went through all the steps but couldn’t add an automation due to the lack of a HK hub. But as indicated, got it working via IFTTT

You can create a flow starter with Homekitty, that’s the virtual device. You also need to add the HomeKitty bridge to Homekit