Aqara FP2, mmWave presence detection on WiFi

No, HomeKitty isn’t a controller app (with which you can control HomeKit devices on your network).


I meant this one


Hi all, I am really interested by this FP2, looks like very powerfull, but not in favor to pass through Homekit for it. So if a developper can support me to have a direct integration, I will be more than happy to donate, let’s see :slight_smile:

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If you also have a homeassistant running you can connect the FP2 via HA. I’m not sure if zones work. I don’t need zones so I never tested it

You now make it sound it can be added without using some apple stuff? Which would be awesome btw :wink:

This guy states he needs something from apple to make it work in HA (I’ve zero apples in the house and no FP2 to verify):


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Yes, and zone is exactly what I would like to use. Without this option, I can continue with multiple standart sensor. Let’s see when somebody will develop an app for a full integration of FP2 directly with homey :stuck_out_tongue:

The HomeKit Controller Device integration:

Yeah I get it now. I didn’t get the fact you can install and use Homekit Device without having apples in the house, but the author says he needed Apple tv to get it to work, I’m still confused :crazy_face:

It’s similar to “Hue, without the bridge”: you don’t need a Hue bridge to control Hue devices if you have a Zigbee controller (like Homey, or z2m) that can communicate with them directly.

The HomeKit Controller/Device integration does the same: with it, you don’t need an Apple “bridge” (like an iPhone, or an Apple TV) to control HomeKit devices. HomeKit is just a protocol, so you can have a controller (like the aforementioned integration) that speaks that protocol to devices that speak HomeKit too.


I’ve been working a couple of weeks with this device. First I had it connected via IFTTT but quite some delay and limited to one zone (one on and one off IFTTT applet in free version). Now I have it connected via HomePod mini/HomeKit and Homekitty and happy with it! Only thing missing is the Lux measurement but that will come when the device supports Matter/Thread

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Are you able to share some details/examples of your setup?

That sounds cool; how does that work? I thought homekitty exposed devices from homey to HomeKit and not the other way around?

Please have a look at this post for integration via HomeKit, you do need a Thread router (AppleTV or HomePod mini):

Ah yes, I thought it was more directly exposed. Thank you. I’m already using this method for some other stuff.

Hi all,

Very nice topic that’s going here! But I would like to summarize it to this point because I can’t see the tree’s trough the forest any more. If I got anything wrong please let me know.

  • there is currently no support to Homey directly for this sensor

  • there is a line of communication open for this but there have been no solid promises yet

  • there is no expectation on when this will be on the roadmap

  • there are a few ways of implementing the sensor now

  • the best way is trough HA on a device (raspberry PI, Apple TV, NAS, or other HA enabled product)

  • if you use the HA way you are able to make the sensor work for motion detection on the zones you add in the Aqara app

  • you are also able to see the LUX sensor

  • you can trigger the zones in homey based on those zones from HA if you use the community by Ronny Winkler

  • if you use the right settings in HA then zones and lux sensors will work out of the box without writing any code in a platform. Or special flows to trigger the zone in Homey

Hope I got it wright. If so I would love to here it because then I will buy a few of these things. In my opinion this is the stuff I have been missing for ages. This is really a game changer!


oh wow @Jaap_van_Eggelen . great summary!

so i understand that if i buy a home-assistant-setup (like the “yellow” complete box) - then the FP2 works on there.

then I need some way to get messages across from homey to home - assistant with the appropriate app.

I’d almost feel like ditching my homey alltogether then, also be relieved from the zigbee hassles.


Aqara have an API, I’m looking to buy an FP2 and would probably integrate with an advanced virtual device via their API rather than using homekit or HA as a bridge (I’ve done the same with door locks, solar inverters etc). Has anyone tried that?

Adrian did look at it

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I currently have an app that uses the API, but because of the rate limit per dev account I can’t release it. Also their Webhook is none standard so is not compatible with Athom. I therefore have to go straight to Homey, which means every user would need to create an Aqara developer account and configure it.

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Right, this is the same expectation using advanced devices. So there is hope for me to do it at least, others mileage may vary depending on being comfortable with setting up a dev account.

Can I try your app using a local install, is it public / on GitHub?