Aqara Door/Window sensors stop responding after 1-2 hours with HP2023

No, I know for a fact what the firmware change entails: some sensors (the “T1 sensors”) will not pair with third party controllers (like Homey), only Aqara’s own hub. The workaround (also implemented by other Zigbee implementations, like ZHA for Home Assistant and zigbee2mqtt) is to temporarily, during pairing, make the device think it’s talking to an Aqara hub.

Athom didn’t even test the abovementioned workaround, they initially brushed off issue reports (for new issues that are caused by it) from users as “go talk to the app developer, it’s not related to our workaround” but now they bought some Aqara devices themselves and can reproduce the issue. That doesn’t sound like they extensively test with a lot of different devices (and doesn’t fit with their “Every User Is A Tester™” mentality).

But I guess time will tell if your problems are solved :smiley: