[APP][Pro] We Connect / myAudi / MyŠKODA / My SEAT / My Cupra

@Brian_Mouridsen logout in the skoda app on your phone. Login again and accept the new terms and conditions. After that you can login in Homey

I tried to log out and in again but there was no new terms to accept. And the error still comes in Homey when I try to add the car

Then theres a change in the API, only thing we can do is wait for a update of the SDK

This is my diagnostic report. Sorry for the waiting time - was at work.


I have all tried the API helt tool, but it says “No VIN found, pleace check your credentials and try again”.

@Onename thats the Homey diagnostic report. Not the skoda diagnostic report

Arh, sorry, new to this bug report. It should be send in now with my email :blush:

And thanks alot. Nice that theres programmers out there that makes life easier for the rest of use :blush:

@Onename yeah so same issue as above… :frowning:

Hoi @martijnpoppen

I cannot login. It is the Myskoda app.
i have send you the diagnostic report 0d5857b5-079b-4a7d-9d50-218c84f7c98c

@Frank2k see: [APP][Pro] We Connect / myAudi / MyŠKODA / My SEAT / My Cupra - #2675 by martijnpoppen

But you can always try to logout on the skoda app on your phone , login again, accept the terms and conditions and try again in Homey

New app update (:green_square: LIVE: 1.25.2) vw


  • FIX: Update SDK

New app update (:green_square: LIVE: 1.25.2) Audi


  • FIX: Update SDK

New app update (:green_square: LIVE: 1.25.4) Skoda


  • FIX: Update SDK

New app update (:green_square: LIVE: 1.25.2) Seat


  • FIX: Update SDK

New app update (:green_square: LIVE: 1.25.3) Cupra


  • FIX: Update SDK
  • FIX: Cupra API changes

If you find any issues, send a report via the mobile homey app

More - apps - AppName - settings wheel right top - send diagnostic report (put your email in the input field to make it easier)

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MySkoda - Skoda Enyaq electric car:
The “A lock is locked” card in my MySkoda app is behaving the opposite as to what it should.

When I use this card to check if the car doors are locked before bedtime and to send me a push notification if unlocked, the “Yes” (blue) output kicks in when the door is unlocked. Similarly, the “No” (yellow) output kicks in when the door is locked. This is the opposite to what is expected, isn’t it?

@Thomas_Bjorseth shouldnt be like that, please send a report when that happens

Hi. The myskoda app does not update status like battery and so on. I have to log on again every time. Sometimes the “force refresh” function fixes it

@arovik yes: [APP][Pro] We Connect / myAudi / MyŠKODA / My SEAT / My Cupra - #2681 by martijnpoppen

there was nothing to accept
edit: worked again after restarting the myskoda app in homey

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Noticed today that “Driven milage” has not been updated the last 9 days:


All the other values seem to be updated.

Diag no: fdeb1129-a0a5-4ec8-ad77-191188b9ba13

@Peter_Kalrsson you got some errors in the logs. Can you do a restart of the app and send a new report?

Thanks for looking into it @martijnpoppen

App restarted, new diag: 25c1f860-0c36-403b-a94c-4134267ee6e8

@Peter_Kalrsson sorry but there’s no info, can you run a manual update (button) and send a new one

Sorry, but what do you mean with manual update (button)?