[APP][Pro] Verisure

I agree with you. Verisure should change their API so it will send a Push message. That would be the easiest way for everyone. They made a bad choice to create an API to Pull messages, which lead to frequent polling.

They reflect that bad architectural decision to us as customer, as they do so often at Verisure when they “invent” something new what nobody wants but everybody has to pay for.

I have sent Verisure multiple messages on this. Never received any reply from them.

@norenz , thanks for the hard work. Unfortunately Verisure has made your great app unusable by not replying to your questions.

For as long as it lasts…

Deactivate Verisure in a period where is not used.


Thanks for the tip. But I don’t find the option to enable/disable apps from flow. I do not seem to have the “system app” to choose from. Does this require Homey 2023? Or am i missing something?

I assume (!) the 5 hour time period of shutting down Verisure is not sufficient. Or does it work now?

That assumption is based on the following:

  • around 2pm CET (+/- 30 minutes) I receive a mail from Verisure I have used too many API calls. So, I assume that is also the moment the Homey Verisure app does not receive any updates from the polling mechanism anymore.
  • Exactly at 2 am CET Homey receives an update from Verisure that my alarm is turned on (partially), while I turned it on earlier. So, I assume that is the moment Verisure has lift the ban on the polling again.

Based on this, I assume the limit is reached after around 12 hours of polling - which would imply if the polling frequency is cut in half or better a bit more, it would work fine again.

But as you can read it is based on a lot of assumptions ;-).

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If I remember correct to get the System app functionality available in your flows:

  • In Homey web page go to Settings (wheel left bottom), go to Experiments in the System list and turn on Power User.
  • In Homey phone app Go to more (3 dots right bottom in main screen), Settings, Experiments in System list and turn on Power User.

Now you have the following actions available in your flows:

  • Homey did start
  • App crashed


  • App is enabled


  • Restart Homey
  • Restart App
  • Enable/Disable App
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Yep, This is just a work around. Each will have to try different time settings. The best would be if the developer changed the polling from 5 to 10 sec. Its just 1 line that needs to be changed.

I have Homey 2019 pro → You may have to go into More/settings/experiments/power user: on
The function is under system/system in flows.

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I get a ban every day around 7:58 am CET… :frowning:

Thanx a lot! Power user was exactly what I was looking for!

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That’s sad, strange and interesting.

Could it maybe be related to the number of devices attached to Homey?

When Verisure did announce the ban, I removed all sensor devices except the one telling me if the alarm was turned (partially) on or off.

I can imagine the more devices, the more requests are sent via the API. But this is again an assumption.

But anyhow, reducing the number to one doesn’t help either.

One… the alarm status device…

Then there is only one conclusion, well two:

  • My assumptions are not true
  • Verisure’s behavior is strange
    And that is maybe why they never replied to any request for clarity from Adam Noren and also not to any request from my side (and probablye others) - besides the fact I am just a “difficult customer” and nothing more than that: they just have no idea what they are doing themselves.

Are there any real alternatives to Verisure? (In Norway?)

I’ve called Verisure to politely complain about this. Their first line employee didn’t know about the issue. But after explaining it, she said: “This probably affects a very small % of customers”.

I’ve also sent a mail to info@athom.com

I’m all in with 3 Yale Doorman locks and a big Verisure system, would love to take this opportunity to switch to another provider. But the easier solution by far, would to resolve whatever @norenz is struggling with.

@Emile and @Dijker - what is going on???

Homely is a new provider, and you can dig in their API as well. Not any apps created yet in homey world, but you will get access to their API to build :slight_smile:

There is already a Homely app :slightly_smiling_face:

Verisure 1. line support does normally knows about the issue today. Just forward the warning email you recieved to bolig@verisure.no. If you want to go to the technical department you can write to ccc@verisure.no. I understand Verisure, this version of the apps polls a hell lot of times pr minute, and that isn’t Verisures fault, even though they can of course have a firewall block after x attempts. The fault is the app, not Verisure. I’m now using Home Assistant that works fine both with two factor verification and integration. Even though i Love Homey, I see that my Homey Pro 2019 edition is far to week for all my apps and devices, many hundreds devices and a big bunch of apps is just to much. The new Homey Pro is still not working fully. Sad, but true. Athom can’t force a programmer to do anything, they can only approve the app. If Athom is opening for a monthly fee on all apps, Homey will loose everything on the market they have today.

I deactivate the app from 22:15 until the next morning 06:30. And at the other moments, I de-activate en active the app every 30 seconds. Since I made those changes, no more mails from Verisure.

Still no issues/emails?

Could I ask how your flow looks like and also if you have only the the alarm status device or “all” devices in your setup?

I was contemplating another solution to get the status updates in to Homey. Just to be clear I’ve not even got my new Homey Pro 2023 yet, so I’m just thinking of this ahead of time. Shouldn’t it be possible to add the notification setting that you receive an e-mail when alarm status changes, which in turn triggers a change in alarm status in Homey based on the received e-mail?

Hi Michael,

No, still no emails and no issues.

I have all kinds of devices, doors, temperature etc. First I tried disabling the flow in which I looked at the status, but that didn’t work. Still an email. After that I decided to stop and start the app. That works fine with me.

Working with emails from Verisure is possible, either direct to Homey or via IFTTT, but for now I leave it like this until they fix this problem. And if not, I can make changes after that.

I made a screenshot of the flow in which I (dis)able the app. If you have more questions, please let me know.

Met vriendelijke groet,

[Mod break: Removed “private” information /Caseda]

Thanks for the screenshot appreciate it! I hopefully get the homey either tomorrow or on monday so will give this a go then!

I will add a customizable poll interval in near future to temporarely solve the request limit issue. Beware that door sensors will be more or less useless with a higger poll rate.