[APP][Pro] Verisure

That would be nice. I just want the homey to be able to arm/ disarm the alarm systeem at this piont in time. i triggerd the system 3 times this week because i forgot to disarm it myself.

Hi Norenz

If you make a customise poll interval, with let say with tag. It would for me be possible to alter the polling when my sensor in the hallway is breached to like 5 sec, but after to like every 10 mins, and therefor the door sensor will still be in action


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If itā€™s a doorsensor from Verisure itā€™s more likely it wont even detect that it has been opened. Thats the problem with higher poll intervals.

Itā€™s not, its a Fibaro sensor, also have a couple of Aeotecā€˜s

(Also have a Fibaro Homecenter 3 running with my own Lua scriptsā€¦.)

Great job with the app!

When will the update be available?

My workaround is, during each hour, to disable the app at 4, 19, 34 and 49 minutes, and enable at 2, 17, 32 and 47. In effect this leaves the app enabled for a bit less than 2 minutes every 15 minutes.

My assumption is that enabling/disabling has a significant performance cost, so every 30 seconds sounds excessive. Like others, I most crucially need alarm state, and the update rate is not terribly important. Temperature and door sensors are a bonus, but I can live with them being late.

A customizable poll rate would be fantastic!

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I removed all devices and it would still give me the ban email.
I removed the app and now the emails stoppedā€¦

Good solution.

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Is just disabled the app until their is a solution. No emails, and when itā€™s rixed just enable it and no insttalling or adding devices.

If possible it would be very good to have a ā€œThenā€-card to trigger a instant manual poll of Verisure data. Then a ā€œautomationā€-routine in Verisure could trigger a enable/disable of a SmartPlug on any event (door sensor or alarm state etc). A separate sensor or plug can easily detect the change of the SmartPlug (shelly or Fibaro that would trigger instantly on power change for instance). Then a simple flow in Homey could start a manual poll based on this change and we will get an update of the Verisure data directly on the event and not later due to a slow polling interval.

@norenz is it stil a poll for every device per 3 seconds? That would need 28.8k polls per device a day right? With 4 devices 115.2k a day.

I thought it could be just one total device call so 28.8k a day or 1200 an hour is a totally normal api frequency per web account

I just connected to the app and it is so much better than the Sector Alarm app which I was used to earlier. :heart: (I also sent a message to Verisure and asked them to pay you to make the app official and include 2fa because you have done such a great job)

Though, I get one issue when trying to install the keypad device. I get the message: ā€œCannot read properties of undefined (reading ā€˜dataā€™)ā€

I assume this is because I got this brand new keypad.
Is this a known problem?

Allright, I sent a message on slack to them as it seems like whatever this is has not been resolved yet.
Though, some more information about the issue would be niceā€¦

I canā€™t really find time/motivation for working on this right now. If thereā€™s anyone with knowledge and experience that would like to help out, send me a PM with your github link.

Norenz, super thx for making the best app ever, I have used i from beginning and I can understand that it takes time. I really hope that you can find someone who can take over the project.

Any chance to motivate you with some donation? I think we could put something together to have this sorted out. I donā€™t know how it could be organized but at least I would be happy to contribute.

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@norenz the app description states:
This app polls Verisure every 5 seconds. This means that you can sometimes experience some delay in status updates. This is to avoid getting throttled.

Now that we anre indeed being throttled, could you maybe change this interval to e.g. 10 or 15 seconds? Yes it would render the door sensors useless for some use cases, but the rest of the app would work. Now we cannot enjoy the

Or provide us with the source code so we together can find a solutionā€¦

Can you put up a github resp?


It should not be a big problem finding a workaround if @norenz can provide us with the repository. If we can change the poll rate for all or poll rate for i e the fire alarms and dor/windows sensors a bit down. The fire alarms updates only each six hours (temp/hum) from verisure so should not need polling very often.but without the repo it is just guess work. Guess we could start working on this from scratch but that will take a long time compared to working out a beta of the current version that besides from this polling issues is a pretth awesome app!:facepunch::facepunch:

Same here to. Only that one status is interrogated every 3 seconds meaningā€¦ 28.800 requests a day per device. Someone at verisure miscounted something and did not properly advised the management board about api calls.

Integration with other services means a lot api calls. Prepare for it on donā€™t offer the service.
Itā€™s like not understanding the tech behind, it is old stuck management with all the iot api related devices these daysā€‹:woman_facepalming::man_facepalming::clown_face::earth_africa::woozy_face: