[APP][Pro] Verisure

is it possible to give the rest of the group just some information on where the problem is? Because we all love the app, and it is very important for me. Therefore I’m also willing to try to help in any way. I remember that you implemented a payment system a while ago, and the version was removed after a very short time. Is this the problem? We are a lot of users, and users can make changes - also in Homey…

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The app is very important for me also.
Have sent an e-mail to Homey, but got a standard reply that it had been forwarded…

Could you explain what the issue is, then?
If you need donations, I am sure that many will be happy to donate.
The reason why I have not donated yet, is because the development is on hold.

The issue is/was, norenz tried to setup a payment system. Homey was not onboard. After that no updates no help. I think it’s time for noranz to put the files back on Git-Hub and let someone else run with the ball also.

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That was exactly what I thought it was too. Somehow I understand him, and somehow it breaks with the idea of OpenSource/Freeware. The Verisure app is extremely important to me and if a bunch of us was willing to pay “a simpel dollar or two” I woud be happy to do so - in return of a working app off course.

Sad to see that this is the issue… And to be honest from what I have read here I am not surprised.
I am all for to contribute to projects, but to be completly honest, this app is not worth any form for subscription. I might be a bit hars here… but the verisure integration itself dosnt contribute that much into my homey system. It only gives me the status of the verisure system.

If this starts to be the norm for apps in homey, I think homey itself will loose customers.

Lets face it, it can be open sourced and it should be!
HA Verisure - Home Assistant

I do not agree at all. When I’m leaving my home, Verisure triggers Homey and do more than 102 actions in my home. Even when I’m going to bed and doses arm the alarm partly, Homey does a lot of work with everything from heating, lightning, motion alarms (in addition to Verisure), and the ability to enable the alarm from Homey is also extremely nice - just one button, no PIN, no app, just arm with i click.

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Well, it still just one app that still gives latest status updates of your security system.
So Verisure itself aint doing that much for you, but I do understand you have lots of flows with this built in.

My point is that this app itself is not doing anything extraordinary, but it is very convient to implement it into our smarthome.

Lets not build this section to throw ball back and forward, lets look at solutions for how we can proceed and keep this app alive. So lets wait for the developer.

Same problem here.
Get this email a few times a week.

I have the same problem whit Verisure, i got same emails, i dont connect my homey to my alarm any more, but i still gets the email from verisure, i hope for a fix for this.

Verisure closed the access to the account Homey uses to control the alarm. :cry: :cry:

I guess the same is going to happen to everyone after some time, it’s so sad because of the loss of functionality and the super great app. I understand the issues between developer and Athom (developer can’t charge montley fee) but still; it could have been solved by granting gifts. It’s a sad day.

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Damnnn; Your web account has been temporarily blocked due to exceeding our allowed daily limit of API calls to Verisure. :sob::sob::sob:

Please someone can fix this!??

Someone knows if verisure still works on home assistant?

Hi @norenz
Can you please change the poll intervall to Verisure to once pr. 60 or 90 seconds?
I know this will impact how quickly a door open / door closed event is detected by Homey, but at least this will let us be able to continue control the alarm.

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@PeterHomey It works and it wont trigger any mail from verisure.

That’s nice, and I can use the alarm function in Homey like a home assistent device, correct?

+1 @norenz ideally with configurable API interval, so people can configure suitable intervals how they see fit.

@PeterHomey Yes that works… Home assistant verisure integration seams to be polling like every 60sec

So to wrap up. Developer has reached out to Athom for the ability to tweak the API calls rate (at least thats how I have read it). No updates as far as I have seen if this is even being looked at by Athom. Maybe I read between the lines incorrectly - then please adjust me if I did someone.

Then Verisure started to send out a warning that they will start blocking accounts early September, one email every Monday. I count 5 weeks of warnings in my inbox then on the 10th of October they start to block accounts for that day. Rendering the connection we have more or less useless. I see that I get the block message around noon every day.

It’s a real shame. Read a bit up in this thread some calculations where Verisures threshold would be, and also some suggestions for the polling rate. All good ideas I think and maybe something to pursue - if Athom actually would get their butt out of the wagon on this issue.

Of all apps used over the years think I’ve had most day to day use out of this one and I thank @norenz for the hard work. I will drop Verisure as a service provider since I have a thing against being stepped on as a paying customer like this.


I thought the polling interval is somethig set by the app. Why do Athom need to be involve in that? But a 60 second interval is very slow. Will make things difficult to use and handle. But at least it would work I guess.

But I think it is Verisure that is the issue here really since it is they who limited the daily limit of API poll requests instead of increasing their ability to handle the ever increasing clients using their API. Or, even better, they should change their API to be able for clients to get notified when there are changes. If this is possible.

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