[APP][Pro] Ubiquiti UniFi Protect

Has anybody got this working on a UDM pro SE?

And now I don’t get any smart detection. So the n/a problem is solved haha. But it looks like the Homey Unifi Protect app don’t get any detection status from the Unifi camera’s.

I Just installed Homey and installed this App. Wegen adding smart Detektion to a flow I’m not able to add the Tags.

Any idea?

What for controller are you using? I don’t have any problems with my Cloud Key Plus 2

I’m using a Dreammachine Pro SE.
Getting Images from the cameras dir a notificación works fine.

In the smart Detection Card I’m Not able to Change any Label, so probably It is an Android Phone issue?

AN interesting issue is that Normal notification with motion detection works fine.

I can’t find my cameras anymore, got som issues like cant fetch snapshots . Reinstalled the app an now i can’t fin my cameras anymore . Running protect on udm PRO SE ? Any thoughts ?

Is the app also supporting the Protect G4 Doorbell Pro? Specially the fingerprint sensor?
I would love to add this.

Homey is not responding on event card “There is a doorbell ringing”. Homey respond well on movement.

Is there something wrong?

Greetings Frank

What for controller do you use?

What do you want to do with the fingerprint sensor? I don’t have a Doorbell Pro so i can’t test functionality.

Unifi CloudKey
UniFi OS UCK G2 Plus 2.4.10

And a Honey Pro

What would be great to have a trigger card “Fingerprint scanner successfully pressed”. I could use it to open the Nuki lock as an example.

HI @ObelixNL are you still busy with this App? because your GitHub is gone? :slightly_smiling_face: i’m very happy with your work, use your apps a lot… Perhaps the Unifi Protect App can have some extra love?


I still busy with the app, I moved the repo to my private GitLab account.

The problems that are reported are not existing on my own setup.

I can’t see or find if Unifi Doorbell Pro has an fingerprint sensor? can you send more information about it?

Gedeelde Flow | Homey

Do you have a flow like this? and is the user full admin user?

Ho Stephan,

Yes, my flow is just like yours. The good news is that the flow now works. I have reinstalled te app and now it works! Very nice!



Hi ObelixNL,

Try this link: https://www.theinterface.uk/2022/01/11/ubiquiti-unifi-g4-doorbell-vs-g4-doorbell-pro/

It is not on the Ubiqiti page but it does showbthat it is there.

Hello Eddy,

I can’t find any documation about this feature sorry!

Hope this helpt. Not realy documentatiemateriaal, but it is mentioned