[APP][Pro] Ubiquiti UniFi Protect

After 24 hours, the app seems to have leveled out at ~ 53MB.
Now we keep our fingers crossed that this is a long-term solution …

Sorry to interrupt here. I have my G4 doorbell connected to my Homey. Today I had to add a new UNVR to my set up. When reconnecting the doorbells, it does not recognize them as a doorbell any more, but it adds as a camera to the homey app. Therefor my flow starting with “a doorbell is ringing” doesn’t work anymore. Anyone has any suggestions?

The test version doesn’t include the doorbell

Hi! Thanks for a great app. How does the When > A smart detection event-card work? I was hoping to be able to make a then card that runs if a smart detection of a person is activated. I read in the beginning of the thread that there is not support for it, but still the card is there in the app.

The experimental version can’t detect the UniFi G4 doorbell

There is an new version today with support for the doorbell again!

I cant get the new version of the app. I only get the experimental version.
Have removed, reboot and installed it again.
The app doesn’t work for me.

Anyone having support till help me out?

The test version is the experimentell version? if you don’t want the experimentell version, remove it and install from the normal app store from Homey.

And what is not working?

Hi ObelixNL,

If I install the normal vesion I get 1.4.0 from the app store.
If I run 1.5.3 I get the “the app unexpectedly stopped”

You can download the source from github and with the Homey SDK
Getting Started - Homey Apps SDK

You can run the application in debug mode so you can see the error message. Without the error message i can’t help you! The App is working normally on my own homey!

I just mailed you an errorlog from my system
It worked until 12 hours ago ( probably when you changed the sw)

Hi Stèphan!
With 1.5.3 the memory use of the app leveled out at ~ 53MB.
With 1.5.4 the memory leak is back. Now it takes ruffly 2 hours to hit the roof (~76MB). Then the app restarts by itself - I guess you added this restart-function?

1.5.4 ? Where did you download that?

edit… I see it now :slight_smile:

After 90 minutes with 1.5.4 I have 46,1 MB memory use. Looking Good ObelixNL.
Great work!

1 Like

For 1.5.4, I’m getting this error when trying to add the device…
“socket.on” is not a function

I wanted to see the diff between 1.5.3 and 1.5.4, but 1.5.4 doesnt seem to be updated on github?

Forgot to push to github! please restart the app! socket must be there.

Memory around the 28MB every 45 minutes i will refresh the tokens and refresh the app.

I am getting the same error message when trying to add my doorbell; “socket.on is not a function”

I have send it as well


I have the same problem with 1.5.3, with the same message “the app unexpectedly stopped”