[App][Pro] Tuya Cloud

still getting message "you are still using the old deprecated API and drivers, please switch to new drivers only. Can’t make it work. made new accounts and add device new. But still the same message. How can i fix it? Is it a problem with my tuya iot account?

Hi Stephan,
Did you remove your ‘old’ devices?
And is the “Select desired API(s)” set to “Use official only”?

Screenshot from 2023-01-06 14-46-06


i just installed the tuya app on my homey version 1.1.22 I created tuya account and through the tuya smart app added 2 lights which I see in the cloud. set all the fields in the app as needed and it stores the configuration. When I want to add devices in Homey I get New devises found but shows no devices. In the middle it says: configure app first. I get on my timeline the message You are still using the old deprecated API and drivers. What is wrong as I just installed everything new.


Same for me

there’s some lines right above your post…:wink:

And, it’s all explained in post #1:

With me it is fixed. I did not have any devices yet in homey. So there was not the problem. With me the problem was in tuya cloud. I had an old cloud project with an expired trial IOT core. I created a new cloud project but it was still using this IOT core. so in the end i deleted all my devices from the cloud project. Created a new account with a different email address. Added everything and then added that account to homey and works flawless now.


Ah I see. It’s challenging sometimes to keep up with the administration of your systems and accounts :wink:

Any chance to get the new Tuya Millimeter Wave-technology presence sensor supported?
It is a very good alternative to the Aqara FP1 sensor, that is nowhere near to be suported , cheaper, uses the same technology and is available for shipment.

Is there a need for this sensor with other users?

It’s possible with a workaround (Raw commands)
Please read this post and further below. Adrian Rockall uses such a Tuya sensor:

I am a happy user of this homey pro app. I do however prefer to be able to operate my devices via my local network only, and not be dependent on the tuya cloud. This for 2 reasosn: response time and security. Are there plans to extend the app’s capability to local tuya support (like is possible in Home Assistant)?

Haha, if Tuya would support this, there would be no need to use their iot cloud. Walled garden or golden cage :shushing_face:

No idea if this app still works

But, I once bricked a light, and 3 others refused to be flashed. Then I gave up on local Tuya. I’m slowly moving to zigbee devices

Thx Robert. Indeed the information I found to enable local support for tuya in Home Assistent. As the homey pro app “Tuya cloud” is also based on HA integration (as stated on github), I was wondering if the extension to support local tuya support for homey pro could also be made possible.

It’s based on the official HA integration, which uses Tuya Cloud exclusively.

Wow, great, thank you, interesting read.
I have ordered both Wifi and Zigbee version. Will try if this will float my boat.
Does this mean that the Wifi version will not be supported throught your app?

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YW! It’s not my app, but you can always check with JurgenHeine or RonnyW, donate them them a few models (and beers), and who knows what might happen.

For now you can use Raw commands to use it with Homey: [App][Pro] Tuya Cloud - #765 by Peter_Kawa

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I bearely dare to ask, but how to I transfer the shared flow to my flows?

No problem. You can’t. I’ll make an Adv.Flow version, which can be shared.

Here you go, @Jan_Peeters :

How to import this flow (and virtual motion sensor):

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A month ago I installed the app according to instructions (create tuya develloper account etc) and my radiotor valves worked perfectly. Temperature set in Homey was reflected in Tuya Smart and vice versa.
12 Jan suddenly all connections broke down without any error messages. Temp sensor info in insight homey of all valves flatlined from then.
I decided to remove all valves from homey, remove and reinstall the app, configure the app with auth key, secret, tuya smart account credentials as before (from print screen except passowrd and secret). No error messages. But adding device i get : configure the app first.
Tried “official only”. No difference.
If there is some simple solution I would be very gratefull but if all changes every month resulting in another mountain to climb then it’s not for me I guess.