[APP][Pro] Trashcan Reminder 2.0

Sometimes it helps to restart the app / your homey after installing the app. If that doesn’t help please raise an issue on the linked GitHub page, with details like app version, homey version and a trial postal code and house number, and then I can have a detailed look at it.

You can also try to install the test version of the app to see if it works with the latest version.

Hi, I have a problem…

the widget shows “plactic” instead of “plastic”. Can I change this somewhere, or is it a bug in the app?

V4.1.5. just updated and directly crashed and won’t restart/work again

This is just a typo, will be fixed in next version :slight_smile:

Hi @Arjank95, I see this back in the developer logging. But have no clue why. It is crashing due to some internal Homey SDK things it is missing. It is crashing at more systems and I can’t figure out why.

My advice is to install the latest 4.1.9 and the reboot Homey.

If the app is still crashing after reboot. Please uninstall the app. Reboot Homey. And after that reinstall the app again.

I think that should solve it. If not. Please let me know.

I installed the stable app version, everything works again :ok_hand:

App is crashing on both 4.1.9 stable version and 4.2.0 test version.

Hi @MrDutchfighter
My v4.1.9 app stopped working as well. Did the remove, reboot and reinstall procedure but no success.
Installed v4.1.20 test, but cant configure it (button greyed out) and I cant find the app when making flows.

Please do you have another fix?

Hello is it possible to add the municipality of noard east fryslan?

Great fix with 4.2.2 Test @MrDutchfighter , Trashcan no longer crashes :slight_smile:

Oh, and don’t forget ‘Waadhoeke’ :slight_smile:

Can’t find an API, but this is the ‘Afvalkalender’: Afvalkalender | Omrin

You can add request through the GitHub page as a request. Please provide the link where you can find the collection data and also provide an example postal code and house number.

Sorry all for today! There was some very obscure bug that made the app work perfectly on newer Homeys, but on older Homeys crashed terribly. For the ones interested it had to do with incompatibility of a public npm package with older node version that is running on most Homeys.

But all looks good now (luckily). And will hopefully soon come with a newer version that has again even more support for more cities. But it almost became a day job to maintain the Homey apps so also have to make some priority decisions :wink:


Is there an option to add the collection of my trash containers on a Homey Dashboard. E.g. by showing a green or red dot when the day of collection is today.

In dutch:
Is er een optie om de inzameling van mijn afvalcontainers toe te voegen aan een Homey Dashboard? Bijvoorbeeld door een groene of rode stip te tonen wanneer de inzamelingsdag vandaag is?

9298 RZ

Thanks for support

Heb je hier wat meer informatie over, hoe je dat gedaan hebt. Met andere woorden hoe zit je flow in elkaar?

Hi @Paul_Cobben,

You can find instructions on how to set-up the reminder app here: How to configure Trashcan Reminder 2.0 | com.trashchecker

You can find example flows here: How to flow with Trashcan Reminder 2.0 | com.trashchecker

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Hoi @Paul_Cobben

Dit is de DataVista Schakelaar van alleen de GFT


Why not just use the widget provided by the app, no additional configuration needed

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