[APP][Pro] Tasmota MQTT

super, thx, i find solution. Delete problematic device. In first time i add via SONOFF APP, after added correctly, i add in SONOFF app, and all its ok, now i can delete in SONOFF APP, when i do some changes on device, like name, or other, i must do same step again.

@Magic, Thanks for letting me know. Glad it works now.

@PascalB I checked tasmota behavior . It looks like there is no way to trigger forced tele topic update except one. You can use SetOption59=1 it will force tasmota to update tele if switch is turned on or off. Please, try if SetOption59 helps for your case and let me know. If it fixes a problem I will add this command to adding device process in my app.

SetOption59 was already on. Switching to off and back again no difference…

Which implementation on HA do you use? Tele messages are for telemetry, they are meant to occur only once every minute or so. It sounds like HA isn’t subscribing to stat/* messages, which are meant to be sent when the status of a device has changed.

My app doesn’t sent any tele messages at all, AFAIK.

I have tried autodiscovery and manual, both with the same result. The thing is that it does work with your Sonoff app, just not with the Tasmota app. Which lead me to reason that there is something different on that side in stead of HA…

@PascalB I checked Sonoff app behavior and there is indeed no other commands as @robertklep mentioned. And according to tasmota wiki there is no way to trigger tele message only SetOption59 can help. Only explanation is that Sonoff app sets default tele update interval to 300 seconds and its twice faster then default. Also I totally agree with @robertklep, HA shouldn’t use tele to detect device status it shoult use stat topic.Anyway I added SetOption59=1 to my app on device adding. You can try it but you will need to remove and add device.

New test version 0.4.7 can be found here: https://homey.app/en-gb/app/com.paveld.tasmota/Tasmota-MQTT/test/ what is changed:

  • Improved onoff capability functionality
  • Fixed power monitoring for some devices
  • Enabled SetOption59 on device adding
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So the new version doesn’t change what I’m experiencing. However, when digging around some more , I have noticed that when I use the switch1 to toggle the light (so one layer deeper than the icon in the device screen, after a long press), it does update instantly in HA!

So the question is: what is the difference when toggling through the icon on the device screen vs one layer deeper?

Hope I am explaining myself clear enough with this…

Thanks. Actually now everything crystal clear. toggling from devices sending command Power0 (which is turning on or off all switches of device) and toggling from device list sending command Power# where # is switch number. I would say this is tasmota fw bug, Power0 should behave similar to Power#. I thought it is a good idea to send one command instead of sending command per switch. OK will change behavior to sending command per switch and produce new test version. It should be relatively easy fix so will try to find some time tomorrow.

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New version published to beta https://homey.app/en-gb/app/com.paveld.tasmota/Tasmota-MQTT/test/
Please check if it fixes your issue and let me know.

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Absolutely, nice work!

Hi everybody. I found a little bit of free time and added dimmer support. If you already added a dimmable device in the previous version of the application you will need to remove it and add it again. Keep in mind that this is a test version so it can be a little bit unstable. You can take it here: https://homey.app/en-gb/app/com.paveld.tasmota/Tasmota-MQTT/test/


Yes, I had the same issue. After I’ve updated the firmware of Tasmota to the latest the issue was solved.

Very nice work now it’s perfect

Hi to all,

Hopefully some one can help me with the following. I have installed on Homey the mqtt broker and client. I have an AliExpress Tuya reflashed to Tasmota. With some testing I found some settings which are working in the Tasmota web interface.

When I install the unit in Homey via the Tasmota app, it finds the switch and allows switching. However it does not allow changing colors or brightness. To me I think this has to do with the settings in Tasmota. Does anyone know how to solve this?

I have the latest Homey software and mqtt client/broker installed. The switch has Tasmota 8.2

Thanks in advance.



@Retetiba Sorry, color control not supported yet. Application supports now (of course if it supported by device) on/off, power monitoring and dimming. I have implemented but not released yet white temperature control and working now on color control. I hope I could finalize it in 2-3 weeks but it really depend if I would have free time so no promises. When beta version will be ready I will leave message in this topic.

@pavlo, Thank you for the feedback. I was not aware. If I can help in testing a beta version, I am available.

Hi everybody, color light support here :slight_smile:
Version 0.6.0 under test now: Tasmota MQTT 0.6.0 beta
If you already added your color light in the previous version, please, remove it and add again.
Keep in mind that there is a lot of different color lights that support color temperature and color with 2, 3, 4, and 5 channels control and I tested it only with Sonoff B1 bulb (5 channel) so it is possible that something is not working correctly. If you noticed some wrong behavior, please, write a bug report for me here.

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Just added a Tasmotized Tuya power strip with 4 outlets and USB ports. Works great with Home Assistant, and also with your app. However, all 5 switches are in the same device, which is kind of a shame. I think we discussed this earlier and it had to do with the switching? Anyway, is it possible to add every switch from this strip as a separate device like in Home Assistant?

Hi @PascalB,
With the current version of the application, you can’t. But I also had this idea to add a power strip as separate switches. There is a couple of potential problems but it should be doable. Will try to implement this.

Awesome! 5 devices controllable for €25, doesn’t get much cheaper than that :stuck_out_tongue: