[APP][Pro] tadoZones community (with geofence & capacity)

Dear Homey pro & tado° owners,

For tado°, there’s also a tado° community app called tadoZones, by @Martin_Verbeek

For those who miss the brilliant tado° Geofence functionality of the Athom app, AND the lately removed Heating Capacity: they are back!

Much more and actual info @ Dutch/English version topic: https://community.homey.app/t/app-pro-tado-community-app-met-geofence-verw-capaciteit/

Overview with screenshots

(updated @ March 11, 2024)

Thermostat device:

‘When’ flowcards:

Click me

1 of 3:

2 of 3:

3 of 3:

‘Then’ flowcards:

Click me

1 of 3:

2 of 3:

3 of 3:

‘And’ flowcards:

Click me

Available tags to use in Logic ‘And’ cards:

Screenshot from 2024-03-11 18-17-45

Detail - the schedule from tado° thermostat to use with Homey:

Click me

Great functions which got removed from the Athom app version, available here!

Geofence (Presence tracker):

Heating Capacity:

Hi @Peter_Kawa , could you please explain how to add Tado devices through this app? When I’m trying I always get “no new devices have been found”. Thx in advance!

Hi @Mimomaj ,

Were you asked to enter your tado° login at some point? Otherwise the app can’t reach your tado cloud connection.
It found my thermostat and valve knob while adding new devices, so I can’t help you right now. You better send a DM to Martin I’d suggest.

Hi @Peter_Kawa , thank you, I contacted Martin

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I had an earlier version what hadn’t that error. In v1.2.0 you were using, a typo ended up in the code, which prevented the adding of devices.

Fixed in v1.2.2

Hi all,
warming up this older thread for another topic/feature request: I would like to set and update the offset of the Tado thermostats using homey. Unfortunately neither the official nor the TadoZones app offers this feature in flows. Any ideas how to do that? Or how to use external temperature sensors to control the Tado thermostats?
Best regards,

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I’m just switching to this app as I have got a new Homey and the old app is no longer available.
One thing I seem to be missing is the Hot Water device, so is it possible you could add that?



I had the following problem a few days ago and wrongly posted in the Dutch forum. So I am repeating here, as it just happened again, and again after Homey was restarted:

since a power cut last night (assumption), I get the following error

Cannot destructure property ‘homeId’ of ‘args.device.tado’ as it is undefined

when I execute “Resume Smart Schedule”. This worked fine until now.

I tried to repair the device, but get the following error:

Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘login’)

This time it is the test version 5.2.7! It had worked for a few days after deleting all devices and readding them and correcting all the flows. A lot of work for nothing. And I cannot just switch to the official Tado app as this misses a few features I am depending on.

I would really appreciate some help, as this app is essential for controlling heating with my heatpump and I just got it set up so the heating works perfectly, just to stumble over this bug.

Kind Regards,

PS: I still have the official Tado app installed too. Might this somehow interfere with tadozones?

I tried to repair after 5.3.0 was installed just now and get a new error:

this.homey.drivers.getDriver(…).onInit is not a function

I readded just one of the devices and rebooted Homey to see if keeps working after that. After this was OK I pulled the plug and it was still working. So I will now readd the other 2 devices and correct the flows to see if it stays working.

But the repair still breaks off with the above error.

Not that I know of. But ofcourse they operate the same tado system you own side by side.


Yes, from what I’ve read, to workaround the ‘repair’ resulting in errors, you only need to remove one tado device, not all of them…

I scrolled through this app after the original Tado App magically blocked all the valves in my house. And I find this app really well done, as well as providing data that is truly richer compared to the official counterpart. I just wanted to ask how I can set the cost per cubic meter of the gas raw material. Thank you all.

I guess you’d use this flowcard, Paolo. And welcome!
Yeah the Athom app is pretty basic. I hope you informed Athom support about the issue, maybe it’s some bug which needs to be fixed.

In this example I’ve added the blue tag holding the day price of my supplier
Screenshot from 2024-03-03 00-01-25

Athom Already informed. Should I insert this card of yours into the heating operating flow?

I think the card only needs to run when your Gas price changes. I have my card running daily at 0:01 AM
Can you pick the ‘tado home’ (first selection field)?
I can’t atm, that’s why it misses in my screenshot right after Add EnergyIQ tariff to .....,

I wanted to uste this app to connect two Tado homes via Homey.
After login (no matter which home) I always get the message that no new devices where found.
I have the original Homey Tado App also installed.
Any ideas?
Thank you!

Hi Peter, how does the geolocation function work? Don’t get my head around it since the “when card” only says “location of XXX changed” and does not define “home” or “away”. But then your screenshot shows exactly what I am looking to do.
I am just migrating from a Hubitat system to Homey, so please excuse if this is a stupid question - still have to learn a lot!
I also used a Tado integration on Hubitat for all our geolocations, because it just worked flawless. Therefore I was very happy to find your app and thought I would use it as “backup location” with a flow to set the Homey “home/away” function in case the built in would fail.

Hi Tom,

Martin Verbeek is the app builder, I only started the topic.

I had to start using Intergas gear, so my tado stuff is for sale :sleepy:
I haven’t got any tado flows now.
Idk exactly how it works anymore.

The top flowcard should trigger when everyone has left, or when 1st person is home, or arrives near home.
-logic card [tado mode] contains AWAY
-everyone is out
-someone is home

The lower card works similar.
When you use logics AND cards, you’d find lots of tadoZones tags you can use.

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Thanks Peter!
You know, my simple mind was looking for “when X gets home set Homey geofence home”, but I am pretty sure there is a way to do this with all the cards available. I just need to get used to the different way Homey works. I am sure I get there eventually. Thanks again for your quick reply!

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I think I done it! :sunglasses:
Quite simple, just a bit different to what I thought how it would work. Anyways, below as solution if someone is looking for the same Tado geofencing solution

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