[APP][Pro] tadoZones community (with geofence & capacity)

unfortunately i get an error message when i want to switch on the air conditioning with a flow and switch it off again after 60 minutes.

the operation under devices works without any problems.

does anyone have an idea or a solution?

@Martin_Verbeek ?

Target temp 0??? That will be invalid…

Are you running test version ofvthe app?

I have now tried the test version, same error.

The error already occurs with the first action.
I set 0 degrees to switch off the air conditioning.

Will try to replicate. Thx for trying the test version

Works fine at my place.

can you post some screenshots from the Tado app itself? Looking for the ones below

guys, I’m stranded. How and where would I add the costs per kWh? I’m missing something for sure. Thanks for any pointer.

okay, I guess it takes it from the EnergyIQ settings of your Tado app.

cheers /t

@Martin_Verbeek may I ask for a correction in you German translation where you got “Hitzt” it should be “Heizt

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hey, I have an issue with calculating costs for gas. I do pay ~ 8 cents per kWh, the factor to convert m3 to kWh is 10.9 here.

So, I used up 5.186m3 that’s 56.5274 kWh. The price per kWh is 7.6 cents. the apps shows 0.39 Eur costs.

It should be 4.296 EUR, no? Is there an issue with the decimal or do I misunderstand something here.

I‘m using Martin’s tadozones app (dev version 5.4.9) to control my tado devices.
All devices are connected via Apple Home / tado bridge.

In general, it‘s working without any issues, but in one room, I‘m facing problems:

In my living room, there are 2 tado valves and one wireless temperature sensor.
I added the valves as one device (zone) to homey and named it „heating living room“. Then I added the temperature sensor and named it „temperature living room“.

There‘s an issue, I can‘t understand and I don‘t have an idea how to solve:

Scenario 1: I change the destination temperature of the valve (zone) from 21 to 22

  • valves accept the new temperature and turn to 22
  • wireless temperature sensor also turns to 22
    => all good!

Scenario 2: I change the destination temperature of the sensor from 22 to 21

  • valves accept the new temperature and turn to 21
  • valve device (zone) in homey does NOT turn to 21 and stays at 22

In a nutshell:
Any changes of the homey tadozones valves (zone) get synced with the wireless sensor and with the physical valves at my heatings. But any changes of the sensor in homey get only synced with the (physical) heating valves but not with the tado zone in homey.

To avoid misunderstanding:
All changes I mentioned in that post are only done on the devices in homey.

Any idea? Is this a bug or did I anything wrong?

Maybe @Martin_Verbeek has an idea?

Thanks in advance!

Will have a look…

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When you have a room with a thermostat and valves, the app will only add the first device (the controller) of that room. The others (valves) should not show.

So if you have two rooms, that should be completly seperate.

Hey @Martin_Verbeek ,


Als ik de geolocatie naar een tekst variabele wil wegschrijven lukt het niet, ik heb deze eens met een “start flow” kaart gedaan en ik krijg deze error :

Als je de EN-kaart van de geolocatie gebruikt werkt het wel correct.
Is er iets verkeerd langs mijn kant of is dit een bugje?

Alvast bedankt dit eens te willen bekijken en prettig kerstfeest gewenst.

thx voor het rapporteren, ik check het…

Dit werkt niet met een EN kaart. De ALS kaart kan een token afleveren, de DAN kaart ook in de advanced flow, maar een EN kaart heeft niet die mogelijkheid. Je kan het wel doen maar dan moet je zelf ‘true’ of ‘false’ in de variable zetten op basis van de uitkomst van de EN kaart.

I get an autorisation error. Deleted my tado home and readded it as a device. New home device available. But other devices (thermostat, etc) still got the exclamation mark.

Deleted one radiator valves device and when readding, a message ‘no home found’ error shows.

Not sure what the next step should be.

can you try the following: delete the home device again. restart the app and re-add the home device? if it fails again do a copy clip of the log and PM me the result.

Thanks, this exact order of deleting, restarting the app and adding the home device did the trick.