[APP][Pro] sysInternals - Shows Homey’s System Internals

Nice! Hopefully, they only activate SWAP when needed. I see in the release note they ‘activated’ it.

Btw, seems it’s not required anymore :wink: Just did backup on fully loaded system, finally ! :wink:

Well, that’s driven by the system itself. But because they also decreased the overhead, for majority of users SWAP will be just a safeguard when some app will mis-behave (but it’s always active).

Nice!! Looking forward to the (stable) release of the update! Any idea how they managed this improvement? Different docker implementation?

Yep, kind of…maybe they will return once to recommended practice, but by changing it, they were able to reduce overhead quite significantly.

Interesting, hopefully it will not impact the performance. Most of the time you have to ‘pay’ for this kind of improvement. Speed, security, cache on flash, etc. Well, for now most important; apps are running :+1:

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The time will show. But as you said, most important at this moment, all apps are running :wink:

Btw @Dijker I sent you diag, even in this optimized setup now it happens that sysInternals is not reporting any new data , Homey restart itself do not help but sysInternals app restart does … ? Not sure you will see anything usable in the log though. Just maybe saying it here, so someone else might confirm.

Thanks for the quick response guys!

i can confirm this, after reboot the values seems to go back to previous values. after restarting the app it works again.

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The amount of free memory shown is the amount of available memory, so also the amount of memory tied up in caches and buffers. 12% free really means only 12% is available.

I believe swap space is not counted so if this is the case, probably available swap space or swap utilisation shall be added to have full picture? Not an expert here.

Swap was only enabled in the latest (experimental) rc’s, but it should not be counted as “free memory” anyway IMO.

2 posts were split to a new topic: Homey Pro - Advertised Storage size

I got the same here after every reboot on my hp23 i have to restart sysinternal or else it get stuck on old status.


Same error with Homey early 2019. I think it’s a bug in the app, otherwise it wouldn’t show up with the old Homey too.

@Dijker I searched this blog but could not find anything about it here.

Question: the last metric in the Homey device is the Restarted parameter.

I reboot daily to avoid some instability, but the restarted metric is never updated. Am I correct to expect that after a reboot, the parameter is set to ‘yes’, but after a little while (1 hr or so?) reset to ‘no’? Or am I just mistaken and do I need education on what this metric means?

The status is supposed to be reset when all the apps are started or after 300 sec ([APP][Pro] sysInternals - Shows Homey’s System Internals - #54 by Dijker). however, mine isn’t reset for 17 days now:


Is that because I have a few apps disabled, so they are not supposed to start, and the app sees it as not started which doesn’t trigger the reset of the status?

Interesting find! I think I see the same with the regular Homey has started card which does not seem to run when not all apps are enabled/running.

I also disabled some apps and found that after a restart the device icons keep rolling. To stop that I need to enable the disabled app and then disable it again.

I am testing more but meantime my solution is to start a persistent countdown right before the restart and when the countdown ends, to start flows for some housekeeping.

Is it true that certain values ​​are updated less often? With mouse over I see 8 days ago at one value and 11 seconds at another.

To properly monitor the values, I want to restart the app every 4 hours, but there is no flow map for that.

That would be pointless imho…

Which sensor was updated 8 days ago?
Some things never change? Like No. of CPU’s, CPU Speed, Total memory; you get the picture:

When an other sensor was updated 11s ago, the app seems to run fine.
A value only gets updated when it has changed, in general.

But, in case you want to restart an app by a flow:
Enable Power User (…More>Settings>Experiments)

Use a ‘Then’ card from the ‘System’ category:


Yes, mostly storage ones, I think it differs even between HP19 and HP23. In my case for example total memory got updated only once, 2 months ago, which make sense unless you do an upgrade :slight_smile:

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