[APP][Pro] sysInternals - Shows Homey’s System Internals

sysInternals - Shows Homey’s System Internals

The app shows Homey’s CPU and memory usage value’s and temperature.

For Homey Pro (Early 2023) an alarm shows if Homey’s CPU Alarm triggered and warns the user on the timeline with a link to a Community topic for information and advice.

  • Currently in Test! Get the Test version by Adding /Test to the URL as always!

Current Devices:

  • Homey Pro (Early 2016-2019) (including original Non-Pro models)
  • Homey Pro (Early 2023)
  • CPU Alarms (Early 2023)
  • Weather
  • Wifi
  • Ethernet Network

And Translated: :netherlands: :uk: Dijker, :de: :fr: :it: :sweden: :norway: :es: :denmark: :ru: :poland: :kr: OpenAI

I first created it ONLY for 2023 for the Alert when videoCoreUndervoltageOccured was flipped to true, but I thought it would be nice to have some more info in my Tile on Homey dashboard. :wink:

then I also wanted it on earlier Homey’s.
This is the Result:

Note: Values are updated a couple of times per minute, if fe CPU was clocked slow at the update, you will see that several seconds untill the next update.
Don’t worry, it could be runnig fast already! It just isn’t updated yet.

For the Alarms I have all 4 pairs (Actual state and if it Occured since boot.) and one Any Alarm that has the default triggers for Flows.

Note2: Visual are alarms not quite what I wanted but it works. Guess something Athom needs to fix (In Mobile App the Warning Sign stays but is White and on WebApp it Shows different. For me more Clear like below.)
As you can See I managed to get them all :wink:

The app is only available on Homey Pro’s.

** To be completed **


If you appreciate this app, contribute to future development by making a paypal contribution
or buy me a couple of :beers: or a :coffee: on Ko-Fi or Bunq.me

image ko-fi image



You are redirected here from a Alert on your Timeline:

  • When you see the Homey Pro is LOW on free Memory < 20% Low on Free Memory
  • A CPU Alarm Occured! Please Check sysInternal Alarms device. For more info read: CPUWarning

CPU Warning

If your Homey Pro (Early 2023) fe detected a videoCoreUndervoltage it slows down the CPU due to a to Low voltage. In this situation the Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4 (CM4) briefly starts throttling the CPU speed.

image and image

Maybe you where one of the Early adapter’s (or have one :wink: ) in that case you probably received an email from Athom.

  • The first shipment has received a power adapter which unfortunately makes Homey Pro’s CPU underclock. Read the e-mail here »

Or maybe you just replaced it with your own adapter and didn’t know that your new Homey was so picky about good

Please read here: [Info] USB Power Supplies and cables (for Homey Pro Early 2023)
or here: Power supply can cause slow Homey Pro 2023
or Search the community


  • Get Homey at least 5.0 Volt;
  • Use the (New * to be send) Original Athom Adapter;
  • Use the Original Athom Cable;
  • Check cables for damage;
  • Test without Ethernet Adapter;
  • and maybe Test with another Adapter better/shorter cables; (See Topic above)

If steps above didn’t work:

  • Contact Athom Support (after April 2023 as Athom promised to provide a replacement Adapter)

Low on Free Memory

When you see the Homey Pro is LOW on free Memory < 20%
For more info read: …

Homey need to have at least ~ 10% free memory to function smoothly.
When you ask to much from Homey by installing to manny, to big Homey Apps (the Numbers may vary) homey can’t start new Apps. sysInternals gives a warning when Homey’s Free memory drops below 20% Just know that Homey can’t have much more before fe Extra Apps will refuse to start.


thats a nice addition for my homey, thank you @Dijker :star_struck:

@Dijker excellent idea, and mostly for both Homeys Pro, thank you !

Just maybe one additional possible addition - would you mind to add uptime ? I saw some people are saying “maybe my HP rebooted itself”, I’m facing instability issues myself but using HomeyScript to calculate uptime so maybe it will be another useful additional to it ?


Very interesting app! Thank you for making this app!

One question. I’m looking into my memory (RAM) usage. What i see is that homey itself is reporting way more free RAM in <System → General → Memory> than this app is reporting. Any idea what RAM value is correct?

More info: Homey system is reporting more than 500mb free RAM. The app is reporting less than 125mb free RAM. Many thanks for help!

Hmmmm… interesting
can you restart the app, send. A report and provide me the info in a PM with two screenshots what you see?

Hi @Dijker,

I remembered a statement from @robertklep about the free memory calculation:

Maybe this older thread helps a little bit.

It looks like this was changed, the values on the system page (which I assume are the same ones that @Dijker’s app is using) now reflect the actual available memory on the system:


# free -b
               total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
Mem:      1939070976   663658496   661807104    21397504   613605376  1257275392

Do you know if the change applies to the old and the new Homey or does the memory calculation have to be considered differently for the older and newer model?

This is only for the new Homey, I didn’t check the old one.

does anyone know why homey itself uses so much gb ram itself? after a restart it drops like more than 200 mb’s. before I had only 13% of free memory and after restart 30 % (which its allot either I you asking me) with the 2019 I had no problems with memory use or something but it likes every app and homey itself has growing 2 times in gb ram

Hi @Dijker, just an info. The link in the App Store “Community - Visit forum” leads to the wrong site in the Community.

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not in the next version, already in Test: sysInternals | Homey

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like this now in test? sysInternals | Homey

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Hi @Dijker,

on my homey Pro early 2019 the loadavg is shown per core, doesn’t it make more sense to show the loadavg for both cores together like in https://tools.developer.homey.app ?


Exactly, can’t be better ! :wink: Thank you so much, will test as soon my HP2023 will be operational again … ;-(

No it shows like in https://tools.developer.homey.app :

  • 1 minute average
  • 5 minute avarage
  • 15 minute average
    In text : [0.1, 0.09, 0.07] all x 100%

I’m sorry but not on the older one (Homey Pro early 2019):



Curious how every core is shown separately if you have 2 cores, but 3 values :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: But those 3 values is exactly what the app is showing, the last 1 minute, 5 minute and 15 minutes averages, and not every core.