Homey Pro - Advertised Storage size

Hi there, I was wondering. Homey pro should have 8 gb internal storage, when I look into homey pro, it says like 2,7 gb memory and your app even says less.
How can I interprete those values?


moved to a dedicated topic as it has nothing to do with sysInternals


This isn’t much difference with the previous model that also was sold with the installed capacity. And a lower unable capacity

A bit though, while one of the Q’s was:
How come Athom/Homey sysinfo show “2700MB” total diskspace, but SysInternals shows “2535MB”

Can it be because of different calculation methods?
What is the “real” number?

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Ah, sorry You are right, I reacted on the 8 GB vs 2,x GB usable…

No, it doesn’t say 2700 MB, it says 2,7 GB
Actually it is:

"root":{4 items
"total":float 2657828864

Athom makes=> 2657828864 bytes / 1000³ => 2,657 GB rounded to => 2,7 GB (Pronounce GigaByte)

And Sorry, maybe I am old and from before 1998 ¹ in computers,
I still use/write MB where I calculate it the way I learned in school:
2657828864 / 1024² = 2534.7 => Rounded to 2535 MiB to be correct Pronounce mebiByte

But to make it even more complex, where I apply the (older) JEDEC standard for calculation that is more and more replaced by the storage vendors by the IEC standard, this older JEDEC standard (based on powers of 2) is still used for Memory… a MB is there 1048576 (i.e., 2²⁰)

¹. National Institute of Standards and Technology. “Prefixes for binary multiples”. Archived from the original on 2007-08-08. “In December 1998 the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) […] approved as an IEC International Standard names and symbols for prefixes for binary multiples for use in the fields of data processing and data transmission.”