[APP][Pro] SolarEdge + Growatt TCP modbus

thanks, Also have 1 phase myself , you mean the 2 volt and amp ones on the inverter?

Hi Edwin,

I mean the following… (I needed to make two screenshots) ;-). So many ‘-’ as this is a 1-phase inventer.

Best regards, Jan

I can detect single or not. but need to check which phase is being used. let me try something.

can you try this 1 SolarEdge + Growatt TCP modbus | Homey but you have to remove your current devices and re-add them.

Hi Edwin,
Thanks for your quick response and action(s). I followed your instructions and it works as requested :-). Now only the data ‘which makes sense’ for a 1-phase inverter is shown.
Best regards, Jan


Hi, is have an SMA and a Solar Edge invertor.
In the SMA it is possible to lower the power output verry easy by a slider.
This for dynamic power contracts.

Would this be possible for the Soral edge?

it is possible but for many people it can go wrong easily , it is the 1st object on the device when you open it and people change this without knowing this. asked homey why I cannot put it after all the caps but they don’t want to change this.

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Ok, it would be nice but if it can’t no problem!


If you’re able to make advanced flow, with virtual devices you are able to have (f.i.) 5 devices, 0%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100%. Implementation is easy and in the homey app you will be able to use the devices. As an example and more to your requirements (below) The virtual device reacts on the slider of that device and SET the export level accordingly. Straight forward, simple, but I don’t wanna use that at all.

Because I dont want to use this as it will influence my flows, I didn’t test this. It should work though.


I do wish to point out that inverters have the capability to adjust export however I have 2 different inverters (2 locations) and they both need time to actually SET the %. It’s not a discjockey setting, as far as I observed the last 4 years.

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Great, THX!
I wil experiment wit this.

Appreciate your feedback after experiments… Thnks

I think you can now also start flows or not from the device (last tab) . you can make flows with good names and with 0 ,50 or 100% active power when you want to control this from your mobile.

Yes, it is possible. As I assume you mean disable or enable flows with virtual device. Not sure if this benefits from having some virtual devices doing the same or (in the example) a flow with a slider. In any case, the combination of virtual device and the export % function is possible. :slight_smile:

Hi To you @Phil_Bro and @Edwin_Biemond
I first tested wit an virtual dimmer, it works but when everybody leves our hous all lights will go out and in this case alsi the solar inverter…
Also it does not wrkt verry nice with a slider.

Now i have made virtial buttons, 0%, 25%, 50% 75% nam full power.
This works nice and can be used in other flows.


Hi, what is the difference between these options?

Both seem not to do anything is a flow, not to 100% and not to 0%
I see it’s value chacing in the solar edge overview but the output power stays the same.


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You should read back. It was mentioned earlier. Since I have no solaredge, I don’t know.

this used to work and now they broke it, it works but inverter revert back the change. a support ticket is created and development of solaredge is looking at this.
It was hard to convince them but the usual blabla , you should the app and don’t do remote etc. But they are working on it. Something like the change it not stored in the mem of the inverter.

FYI: I got a working power limit on a 2022 HDwave (without battery), indeed by simply setting Active power limit to zero. To set it up I did need to reset the inverter to default settings and enable all modbus and power limiting functions but it was functioning perfectly. However (although nothing on my side changed) this specific option now stopped working. I think since I tested the improved tarif optimisation built in in the MySolaredge app. That works but now the modbus function doesn’t anymore. May be related. (topic on tweakers: Het grote SolarEdge topic - Duurzame energie en installaties - GoT .

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I can also start flows on the flow tab of the device on the homey mobile app. do you see those over there. this is a pic about SMA but solaredge should work the same. If your firmware does not revert the change

I have a solaredge SE17K inverter and when i set the power limit it refuse to remain. Example it i set it to 0% it do go down to 0W but after som seconds probably somewhere bet 15-30 sec it goes up to normal power again. The power limit sensor stil say 100% regardless. Anyone know why this may be?