[APP][Pro] Home Assistant - Community App

No problems here. Have you restarted the app?

I can confirm that. :+1:t2:

But as I use only 3 devices, the CPU load is very low anyway:

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Yes. I have restarted the app.
I have a lot of devices.
Example: My Homey devices with power measure entities from HA do not change value. They are all good in HA, but stuck with the same value in Homey.

Which device constellation is not working?

  • which driver/device?
  • Auto added capabilities or manally added?

Looks like some devices are updated and some are not. At least several Custom devices do not update any entities from HA. I will do some more digging.

Compound entities do not update. Camera decices updates some entities, but not the manually added ones.

Thanks, the it seems I missed some cases. I’ll check it soon…

New test version 1.6.1:

  • fixed entity update issues (hopefully all)


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Thanks a lot, Ronny!
Looks like you got them all :grinning:
I still miss some value updates on my manually added camera capabilities, but I expect them to update properly when movement is detected. I’m not able to test this right away since I’m not home for the moment.

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Version 1.6.1 fixed all my issues.
Just got 1.6.2 installed. Cleanup?

Yes, only small cleanup and a better device init on app start, that devices get current HA state if some entity updates are missed during app restart (or issues like yesterday).

Everything still working?

I would be interested in some insights screenshots from power users comparing old/new versions CPU usage :smiling_face:

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:+1: :+1: :+1:

Well done !

I am “just” a light user:

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A 7 days chart would be nice, too.
The hourly/daily charts are a bit ugly. It seems, Homey only counts up the usage to a level and puts a 10% mark. The insights from 7day chart or longer period are more realistic.

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Thx. So it seems to be general to get it from 4% to below 1%.

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New test version 1.6.3:

  • Added decimals parameter for manually added entities.
    If a numeric capability is set (measure*, meter*), a decimal places input is shown. You can set a number of decimals, the capability shoul use. This way you can overwrite the default capability settings (e.g. show a measure_power with 4 decimal places if it’s provided by HA this way).

measure_power: left=original, right=4 decimal places

@DirkG FYI


I was not able to solve this myself. Thank you!

CPU load also down here. I am a heavy user with some 120+ HA entities in Homey.

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