[APP][Pro] Home Assistant - Community App

An enigma here.
My HAss entities are syncing just fine with Homey. An example:

In Homey, the units can be configured to be included or excluded from Homekit.
For most units, I have it defined as “no” (=default).

So, the original HAss entity is sent back by Homey to HAss over MQTT, making effectively two entities with the same name but with different origins.

But the homey entity over MQTT in HAss isn’t active at all, seems as if there is no payload in the entity.

Is this normal behaviour?

You have the same device at both Homey and HA added with Tuya app / Tuya integration.
It shows by the Tuya logo in HA, of the waterval thing:

So it’s a matter of choosing:
Keep using native Tuya integration at HA, and disable the device(s) in MQTT Hub, or use the “from Homey to HA per MQTT” method.

I don’t use Homey Tuya apps btw, only the HA Tuya integration (because it just works :face_with_peeking_eye::sweat_smile::sweat_smile: )

Thank you for your reply.
I also do not use the Homey Tuya app. A community app without proper support is just an accident waiting to happen.

The Homey entity shown, is not a Tuya integration in Homey, but the Tuya integration in HA, sent to Homey. I understand the confusion; rounding (or trunking) in Homey was non-existent, until recently :blush:
These images where posted to show entities from HA to HO working just fine.

All my integrations are realised within HA because it gives me (total) control which is just lacking in the Homey environment.

I agree about disabling the devices in MQTT hub. It doesn’t make sense to sycronise empty packages. But: why is default state “No” under “Exclude from Homekit” if there is no payload anyway?

About the payloads from Homey to HA, can you please elaborate on the "from Homey to HA per MQTT” method? It seems as if the entities from Homey to HA are always empty (in my setup). How do I do this? I do not have an immediate use case for data from Homey to HA, but I guess I’m just curious. :nerd_face:

Edit : I do have one integration over Homey: Daikin. Unfortunately, my Daikin units are not accessible over HA. This would be an interesting use case…

For Homey to HA you are using MqttHub?
Then then device capabilities are synced to MqttBroker.
If the device is deactivated now in Homey MqttHub, the HA Mqtt entity is still active, but without a valid state.

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New test version 1.7.0:

  • Addes support for dynamic mode lists

Homey firmware 12.0.1 addes dynamic mode lists (enum capabilities).
Now wen can import the HA modes from an entity into a list selection capability in your Homey device.

Mode list are dynamic now in climate/fan/climatefan and vacuum devices.
In addition, you can import select entities into a device using a mode capability using the real HA modes.

Please update your Homey to FW 12.0.1 to be able to update to app version 1.7.x
Please do not install manually (from app store or via CLI) on older Homey FW. The app will be removed because of not matching minimun FW version.

Check out the description on my Blog:
HomeAssistant: Dynamische Modus-Listen – Ronny Winkler


I suddenly can’t add new devices anymore. After reinstalling the “Home Assistant Community App,” it has completely disappeared from my Homey. I can still find it in the store, but when I click “Install,” nothing happens. Has anyone encountered this issue before?

You should’ve updated firmware to v12.0.1 first :grimacing: (as I discovered as well eheh).

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WHOOPSIE! :man_shrugging: Thanks! :smiley:

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@RonnyW it’s not only cli related as it seems, also app store installs are affected, as tested by @jc82517 :crazy_face:

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Oh, not nice from Athom. This will affect many apps now using features from 12.0.1.
I will send informations to Athom via Slack…

Must be the Dutch summer finally kicking in :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::face_with_peeking_eye:

Homey Pro23 FW 12.0.2 is out now. Installing apps for invalid (old) FW should not be possible anymore.

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For anyone who likes to
reverse a binary sensor’s state

My HA robovac device has ‘water attached’ and ‘mop attached’ binary sensors.
I’ve added them as alarm_generic to Homey, to get a notification on the device tile when something is not attached.

Now, both robovac values are set to “on” when all’s fine, but then it would alarm in Homey.
With a “few minutes” of trial and error, and three mugs of coffee, I figured it out and wanted to share the code for the "Converter Function HA → Homey:

(value) => { 
if (value === "off") { return true; }
if (value === "on") { return false; }



Hi! In Homey alarm device there are options that are missing in HA (armed at vacation, armed custom bypass)

The Homey device has a mode selection with all standard HA options.
You HA device only sopports a subset.
It was not possible to use dynamic Mode lists. I will check if it’s possible to make id dynamic with Homey FW >=12.0.1
But dor now just use the possible modes :wink:

Also can you check Alarm triggers (reset alarm, trigger alarm)?

Can you please post a screenshot of your alarm panel entity from HA developer tools (entity states/attributes)?

code_format: null
changed_by: null
code_arm_required: true
friendly_name: Aqara-Hub-M3-5201 Security System
supported_features: 7

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has anyone of you had similar problem or just knows how to solve?Any support highly appreciated:

My HA can see Homey devices as the other way around. I only encountered one issue as described below:

I have finally managed (after long struggle) to have my Tuya thermostats show proper temperatures (under HA) and they work properly under HA.

I have connected HA with Homey using MQTT as well as the HA app in Homey and I can see devices on both platforms including a.m. thermostats.

However when I try to control these thermostats via Homey I get server error:

what is even stranger: it only happens in case of one of these thermostats (floor heating) and only when I am decreaseing temperature. When I increase temperature it works perfectly (the other two thermostats work completely fine both ways - up and down…).

Any idea how to fix this?

Best and many thanks in advance


I will check this later. Don’t have time right now.