[APP][Pro] Home Assistant - Community App

Thermostats are added to HA with HA Tuya integration? What did you adjust to get right temperatures?
And thermostates are added to Homey with the HA app, not via Mqtt?

The HA app uses the entity settings from HA (min, max, steps). And it uses the service to change the temperature.
You can try the service in HA developer tools if that works.
Is seems, the service call itself errors at Tuya integration. So please check the service call in HA if that works. Thanks.

Hi Ronny,

  1. In HA thermostats are added with Tuya Integration + Tuya Climate Multiplier Edit from HACS. Actually there are both version of the device in HA however these integrated with Tuya Climate Multiplier work properly e.g. show proper temps
  2. Homey sees these HA integrated Tuya thermostats via HA Community App. Two of them work perfectly OK (controlling actuators at my water radiators) and the last one - for floor heating behaves strangly …

What I do not get is why the first two of them are fine and the other one does not allow temperature to be decreased… It however allows temp to be increased with no problems - my thinking is that max/min/step setting are fine (plus they all work perfectly OK under HA…)

EDIT: I have re-checked how the “bad” thermostat works under HA and I discovered that I get sam e error. What is strange I get it only when I try to decrease temperature below currently set temp. Will check the settings of the min/max in HA Developer tools first and get back.



You can try the service in HA developer tools. Select climate.set_temperature and choose your entity and set the temperature. I have only a german screenshot from HA mobile app…

you can try full and half degrees if that makes a difference.

Thanks a million Ronny (I speak German too :-))

Will try it later and see what it brings.

Cheers, J.

Hallo Ronny,

so strange:

when I get to developer tools to the place you have indicated (actions/climate.set_temperature) and try to set target temp to the floor heating I get an error:

on the other hand when I get to the entity and set the target temp in the status setting it works perfectly OK…:

I am getting lost a bit, nbo clue how to fix the integration to have it work properly…

Any idea would be appreciated…

Best and thx!


If there is a Github repository, you can create an issue. For ot seems to be a bug in the HA integration.

Thank you Ronny, I am intending to do so… J

Jurek Chlebowski