[APP][Pro] HERE Free location & map services

HERE Free location & map services

Link: HERE Free location & map services App for Homey | Homey

This app can convert latitude and longitude in:

  • Image
  • Full address details
  • Distance and travel time to homey

Why this app:

  • Completely free
  • No need for credit card details

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Getting an API key

  1. Create an account on: https://platform.here.com/ (Skip billing details)
  2. Register app

  1. Get your api key

  2. Enter api key in app settings of the homey app:

Thank you once again Menno :heart:

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Example using Macodroid + HDashboards

Very nice, Menno, thanks.

Pro 2019 user here.

With Macrodroid, using https://webhook.homey.app/homey_id/2c5/here, I get a 404 for the HTTP POST request,
not found POST /apimanager/logic/webhook/2c5

As to be expected, because the standard Pro 2019 webhooks don’t work with POST, only with GET.

When I run the webhook as HTTP GET request, it returns "ok", but now the ‘Here’ flow triggers don’t fire of course.

It is possible however for a Pro 2019 to respond to POST requests, the
“Http request flow cards” and “Micro Web Server” apps provide for this option.
Screenshot from 2024-08-30 18-44-31
Screenshot from 2024-08-30 18-43-18

Is it possible to adjust the Here app for the Pro 2016-2019 by adding a additional POST webhooks trigger card for example?

BTW, except for the webhook detail, it works great when I enter coordinates as test trigger!


I used an advanced virtual device for statusses and image.

Since the info goes over a query parameter it should not be any issue to execute it as get instead of post

Check. I will run some more tests, Menno, thanks!

It doesn’t trigger with a GET request, but it returns “ok”.
I added a log card to it, but no data.
Should a diag report show something?

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Could you check of tag is filled in perhaps you didn’t do macodroid well.

You need to ass a query param like this:

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Added test release:

This contains:

  • Bug fix (Card crashes when no house number available)
  • Added satalite style to image generator
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It works, Menno!

I realised the webhook was malformed.
I copied the one you shared
but for me it should be:

Also I didn’t know/realise I had to pass the tag myself
Adding queryparameter
helps a lot :face_with_peeking_eye:


Has anyone already managed to get the app working with the Shortcuts(opdrachten)app instead of the macrodroid ?or another iOS app?

This will get you started, Joris
You only need to adjust the webhook event & tag

Maybe it can be accomplished with Shortcuts as well.

Hi Peter,

Thanks for the info! the Tasker app would be a perfect tool, but unfortunately, it’s only available for Android and not for iOS…

Thanks anyway!

Oh my… I didn’t have enough coffee I guess… :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

I meant to share this,
With Tasks (little difference in its name)
you should be able to do something like this:

  • start a task every x minutes
  • get content from https://webhook.homey.app/your_homey_id/loc?tag=[last lat long position]

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Hi Menno.

Great app. If it is possible to get location information from 2 or more users. How to distinguish these? So the flows can do different things, based on the different locations of the different users.

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You could make multiple webhooks just change the event name.

Like locations 1 location2 etc

sorry, I must be dumb, but I don’t understand how I would do that. If I use Tasker on the different phones, and set up the webhooks on them. How do I distinguish in the Flow where these webhooks come from?

No worries it will end up like this:

Both phones will send a webhook like:

phone 1:

phone 2:

(Please look careful to loc1 and loc2 difference in the URL).

After that you can make the same flow as i did with loc1 but setting different variables and another image identifier.

Sorry, completely new to webhooks, tasker etc.

Would this task in tasker work?
And then what would be the webhook event to look out for in the flow.

in your case the event name will be “twan”
you can remove the /here
so it’s homey id/EVENT NAME

and the only thing you need aswell is a query paramter: tag={HER LAT,HERE LONG}