[APP][Pro] HERE Free location & map services

Found something:
Probably Twan just needs to put the word location after ?tag= in the URL:

Then selectable location parameter options should appear somehow :crazy_face:
Just like the example with “aangepaste datum”

Full explanation:

(Pls read “webhook”, or “http request”, for their phrase “API request”)

So for the people using Tasker on an Android.
The task:
HTTP Request


How i get the coords from IOS

Open Shortcuts or Opdrachten

Create a shortcut : Gps 1

then the follow shortcut

after the 300 seconds card also add a card : open shortcut GPS2

Duplicate Gps1 to Gps 2 and change there the last step to Gps 1
so you create a loop where every 5 minutes the coords will send to homey


Now the howto is complete :wink:

Hi, I have added the app, installed the API key succesfully, but do not see any “then” cards when creating a flow. What am i doing wrong?

Since they return tags homey has limited them to advanced flows only

Hi Helmut, I tried the same shortcuts but it seems like if the phone is locked the loop stops and Homey does not receive updates. I set the delay to 180 sec but nothing. If I try while the phone is unlocked it works.
Do you have the same issue?
I checked and both the shortcuts have the permission to run with locked screen.

The same issue here
i think it’s Apple limitation to protect the battery life.

Has somebody been able to get the “Route Samenvatting Tussen” card working ? I assume the input are the 2 tags with the coördinates but don’t get any output (distance or time). Any idea ?

should be lat,long and lat,long and it should just work

Could the fact that both tags come with the same name Tag be an issue ?

It’s a flow issue: From what I remember we cannot use tags from multiple trigger cards.
Maybe it shows an error when you test run one of the trigger cards.

A workaround would be to add a step, and store the tag contents into a variable first.
Then trigger the “route samenvatting” card with 2 “a variable has changed” cards, one for Rita and one for Danny.

Yes, indeed that seems to be the issue. Adapted the flow and now seems to work as expected. Will test tomorrow. Tks!

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No doesn’t work
 the flow looks now as :

The map creation seems to work sometimes but most of the time I get for all 3 actions (map, address, distance) a “request failed status code 429” and the address and distance are never updated. Any idea ?

Looks like you’ve tested too many times in a certain time frame:

However I couldn’t find any ‘proof’ of actual limits @ platform.here.com

So what you can try: disable the Here app, and wait a couple of hours, maybe even 24, before testing again;
Often the number of (free) API calls are restricted to xx a day, and/or xx an hour, and/or xx a minute.

And when it sometimes doesn’t work during normal daily use, consider to decrease the interval of sending the webhook.

Could well be. This is what I found :

Is indeed “free” for a very limited usage

1k a day is very limited?

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well, if you receive every minute a webhook from 2 devices (in order to calculate the distance, fetch the 2 locations on the map and translate to the adresses (as done on the depicted flow) then you have 8640 requests/day.

Hmm a 1000 calls is 1 call every 1.4 minute? To me that’s pretty generous for a free service.
This app is not (meant to be) a ‘real time’ home/away system, not sure if you agree on that.

I think you could use an interval of 4 minutes. When driving 130km/h, it sends the location every 8 - 10 km’s.
When driving 50km/h it’s less than 4 km’s.
Also I guess this app + free API plan was meant for 1 user.

With your plans of using it, you’d buy a API bundle to better match your needs imho.

Hey there!

Maybe i dont understand it correctly but i am trying to use this app for the following actions but i am doing something wrong i think😅.

The following 2 things im trying to do:

  1. Using it to calculate the travel time from home to the adress in my calander(i use ical) and start automations from there (like setting a alarm, heating up my coffee maker, making it nice and warm in the morning)
  2. Use it to calculate the travel time home when im away to stat flows with that (like making sure its hot when im home)

But i get a adress from the icall app and i need a gps location do you know how to fix it? This would be a awesome addition to automate my home!