[APP][Pro] < converter > for Homey

< converter > for Homey

Convert GPS coordinates, IP addresses and more directly from your Homey

Currently has support for:

  • :world_map: GPS to Address
  • :world_map: IP to Address
  • :iphone: Phone number to location
  • :national_park: Image to text
  • :page_with_curl: Website to PDF

More convertes coming soon

Download in the Homey App Store!

:gear: Install < converter > app from the Homey app store

  • Add the converter device that you need.
    • For using IP to address please create a ipstack access key and place it in your action cards. The access key is free up to 1000 requests per month.
    • For using Number to location please create a apiKey and place it in your action cards. The apiKey is free up to 1000 requests per month.
    • For using Image to text please create a apiKey and place it in your action cards. The apiKey is free up to 1000 requests per month.
    • For using Website to PDF please create a apiKey and place it in your action cards. The apiKey is free up to 100 requests per month.

Supported devices and cards

:speech_balloon: Supported languages:

  • :us: English
  • :netherlands: Dutch

:computer: Apps made by @LRvdLinden

See for more apps link below πŸ‘‡πŸ» or just open the pull down.


If you appreciate this apps, contribute to future development by making a paypal contribution

or buy me a couple of :beers: or a :coffee: with iDeal or Bunq.me or become a surporter on Patreon


Can t wait to try it :grin:

1 Like

I know :smiling_face: I guess Athom is busy. Have also been waiting 6 days for an update to another app of mine. So please be patient for a while. But do think I made your solution very quickly this way.

This is nice! Great job @LRvdLinden !
I’ll give it a proper test over the next days.
First thought while playing with it: is there any way to save the API key in the device or app settings instead of the flowcard?

Make a variabel :wink:

Excellent point. That will do for now.

In the mean time I’m trying to get the IP conv to work.
I am able to submit a conv request to ipstack (I see the number of API calls increasing), but for some reason it doesn’t trigger the WHEN card that an IP has been converted. Tried a few different IPs, same issue. Any thoughts on what could be the cause of this?

Addition to previous message: I see that the APILayer cards are triggering an error as well:

I reapplied the API key several times, so don’t believe this is the issue.

Okay let me check it this week.

So, no pressure!
Thanks for looking into it

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Thanks for the app. Came just on as I had been thinking of having something to get the address from coords.

Would it be possible to produce the result tags directly from the action card also, so that they could be used in advanced flows? Now I need to use the trigger to pull the info into a variable to use in the other part of the flow.

Sorry to revive an ancient topic:
This new app might be worth checking out: