[App][Pro] AccuWeather Daily Indices

How to configure the Location device

  1. Go to the advanced configuration of your Location device
  2. Configure the coordinates as decimal numbers, for example you can go to google maps and right click the location you want to add to see its coordinates
  3. Create an API Key for AccuWeather (see below)
  4. Hey! add more locations if you want :slight_smile:

How to get an AccuWeather API Key

  1. Register for free on AccuWeather APIs | Daily Index Categories and Level Values
  2. Add a new app from https://developer.accuweather.com/user/me/apps
  3. Fill the form and the copy the API Key provided, I used the following settings

This app uses the AccuWeather API Daily Indices: AccuWeather APIs | Daily Index Categories and Level Values

:heart: Happy with my work? Your support to continue developing this and new apps is always appreciated.

Supported languages:

  • :us: English
  • :netherlands: Dutch
  • :es: Spanish

:alarm_clock: Coming soon:
Follow the progress of new features:

:bulb: Do you have any ideas or suggestions ? Don’t hesitate to leave a message!


Added index changed trigger card.