[App][Pro] FlightRadar24

How to configure the Location device

  1. Go to the advanced configuration of your Location device
  2. Configure the coordinates as decimal numbers, for example you can go to google maps and right click the location you want to add to see its coordinates
  3. Configure the radius in meters of the area you want to monitor
  4. Hey! add more locations if you want :slight_smile:

Cool flow examples:
Cast the current radar view (map and plane trajectory) for a given flight to your desired dashboard. Use the url token provided by the flow card.

:heart: Happy with my work? Your support to continue developing this and new apps is always appreciated.

Supported languages:

  • :us: English
  • :netherlands: Dutch
  • :es: Spanish

:bulb: Do you have any ideas or suggestions ? Don’t hesitate to leave a message!

:alarm_clock: Coming soon:
Follow the progress of new features:


Works great! I live close to Schiphol Airport, so this is app is ideal!

One suggestion / request; would it be possible to include the full airport names in flow tags, instead of only the airport (IATA) code?

Sure I can puzzle that out. Noted

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Added! Flightradar24 App for Homey | Homey

New release
Added origin and destination airports name and country.

:heart: Happy with my work? Your support to continue developing this and new apps is always appreciated.

:bulb: Do you have any ideas or suggestions ? Don’t hesitate to leave a message!


AWESOME! :raised_hands:

Works like a charm!

Small note:
There is a tiny typo in the Dutch translation of the airport destination tags. It says “Luchthave”, but it should be “Luchthaven”.

Thx! Fixed!

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Great app! However I noticed not all flights that enter the area are being pushed to the Google Sheet following the below workflow. I’ve put the radius at 5000 meter. Might this be due to the polling interval of 1 minute being too long, meaning that flights have already left the area? Any chance the polling interval can be shortened or is this a limitation in the API?

Screenshot 2024-05-24 at 11.01.47

Is it possible the card to add it in Sheets gives an error? This you can check bij adding a card to write a message for instance in Timeline when there is an error.

Nope, it’s not that. Instead of Sheets I’ve tried to output the flights to push notifications and the timeline but same thing. It very randomly picks up just some of the flights entering the area.

yeah there are many situations were the poll time is not enough.

For example:

Makes sense. However in my case I’m sure the flights are recognised as I can see them in the area device, they’re just not being pushed to notifications/sheets/WhatsApp using flows. Or at least not structurally. Just very randomly every now and then a flight or in batches. Might there be an issue with the variables?

Hello Emiliano,

Very nice app! Thanx, works great.
Only according to insights, it uses too much memory, almost 50MB’s here, the most of all my apps.

But what is real here? Really odd:
The app settings screen shows
30MB’s :man_shrugging: and the PSS graph often less.

Homey Pro 2019
App v1.3.5


App settings

PSS graph:

I understand your point. I will check if the total flights today is the same total of notifications you get

Mmmm strange discrepancy. The app is only using one external nodejs package. So I don’t have much to optimize I think… At least that I know of

Yes it’s strange.
I just compared with an other high memory using app, which doesn’t show much deviation

I did the same thing for the passed 7,5 hours. 175 flights entered the area but I received notifications for only 87.

I picked a high traffic area on purpose for this test. the area is close to the active landing runway(s) of Schiphol Airport and has a radius of 5000 meter. with the average approach speed in mind this radius should be more than enough to pick up all flights passing through the area with a 1 minuten interval. and in fact it does seem to indeed register all flights, but somehow for only half of them I receive notifications.

thanks in advance for looking into it!

Yeah, I’ve found something. Apparently there’s not always some parameter used for the tokens

I see. Something you think can be fixed? or are you running into the limitations of the API?

Can be fixed. I’ll take a look soon

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