[APP][Pro][Cloud] P2000 for Homey (Dutch 112 (911) alerts

To fix your flows in one click when you reinstall any device. Use the script from @martijnpoppen

[HOW-TO][Pro][Cloud] - Tool to FIX (advanced) flows after removing and re-adding devices - Tutorials - Homey Community Forum

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:sparkles: Update 4.4.5

New Live version!


  • Deleted the camera capability so that the Google Static Map apiKey is not called too often.

Download the new version in the Homey App Store!

If you find any issues, send a report via the mobile homey app

More - apps - P2000 - settings wheel right top - send diagnostic report (put your email and issues in the input field to make it easier)

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I installed this app yesterday just to try it out.
At first there were no notifications visible at all through my flows and all items in the app were empty.

After a restart of the app I saw that things were happening but than again nothing happened anymore.
This morning I saw the last updates were from 14 hours ago.

Everytime I restart the app or disable it and enable it again there will be updates but it is for a short period of time.

Am I doing something wrong?
There are not much settings so not muh to configure wrong.


The app works very well. Could be due to your flows, memory of your Homey, entering or deleting apikey always requires an app reboot after that. You can send me a report, so I can check it for you.

Thanks for the report.

You need to delete the device and install a new one.

See post :point_right:t2: [APP][Pro] P2000 for Homey (Dutch 112 (911) alerts - #368 by LRvdLinden

I did not send a report yet. Did that a few seconds ago.
I installed yesterday and Iā€™m at version 4.4.6


Oww haha. Please can you share your flow?

Nu alweer een uur geleden dat de laatste update zichtbaar werd.

Why the capabilities donā€™t update I need to dive into. The app otherwise works. Just get them in. No problems with WhatsApp? Youā€™re sure this one works?

There are no issues with WhatsApp.
It works fine for a short period after a restart of the app and in that time notifications are coming in on my timeline and WhatsApp.
Until it doesnā€™t. There is not much I do or can do about it.

These are two examples that it works when it works.

What is your last notification?

Bij mij werken de notificatieā€™s voor p2000 ook al een paar dagen nietā€¦andere komen wel binnen.

Test op de flow zelf werkt wel oke

Which others do come in?

notification about alarm, afval etcā€¦

When I test the app then I receive the notification perfect ? strange I have re start the app but no results

I think I see the ā€œproblemā€ after update I see two P2000??

And you performed this operation after the last update? [APP][Pro] P2000 for Homey (Dutch 112 (911) alerts - #368 by LRvdLinden

Itā€™s not because of the update but you created a 2nd device while watching flow to your erdere device. You need to convert the flow and make sure you have a new device after the last update.

Here the app works perfectly with multiple devices at the same time.

Hier werken ze. Ook niet meer

I have now created a flow that turns the app off every 30 minutes and turns it back on after 10 seconds.
In any case, this way everything keeps happening, but I have no idea whether I have missed anything during that time.

A workaround until there is a possible solution because I now see that I am not the only one

@Henk_Daalhuizen Referenced his flows to wrong device and I think @Mark1541 needs to do another re-install. Everything works, so something else must be underlying it. Can you send me a new report?

After 4.4.6 nothing has happened annymore.
I have installed a new P2000 device and made a new flow. I have a look if I will get messages again.