[APP][Pro][Cloud] Govee

Sad to hear, should others read this and know a possible solution I would love to hear about it:) Hope you continue to expand and improve the Govee app and support:)

After reinstalling the app and reallocating my API key, everything works properly on my Homey Pro 2023!

I am hapy to hear that :grinning:

Can you add Govee H7050.


Nice devices, did you try adding it using the device: 'Unsupported" ? It should work I think.

Hi, thanx for reply,
Yes I tried (also enablet LAN API in govee app settings) but with no luck :slight_smile:

Dear developper,

I have a problem while adding a H6159 to the Homey Pro 2023:
“New devices detected”:
[object Response]

See the capture below:

Can you help me ?

Thanks :slight_smile:

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In Homey app/more/setting/app/govee I just copy pasted API key which I get from Govee and thats it, its working.

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When you confirm you put the api key you received from Govee in the app settings of the app, can you try again and once you did: create an error report right after you get this message.

Does anyone know if the new Govee LED Strip Light M1 Matter Compatible ( H61E0) is supported by this app?

Hi all Govee devices that are suppirred by the Govee cloud API, and you have connected properly through the Govee own mobile app, and dont have local api enabled are supported using the unsupported device.
If it doesn’t show up there, then one of the criteria have not been met.
When you get your api key from govee the provide a pdf and it shows all supported devices in their current api version.

today i installed the govee led strip M 1 matter compatible.
through matter. ( version 10.0.0-rc.133 app version
I have on and off button, brightness , and colour.

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Would be nice if govee made all their wifi lights matter compatible. But yeah nice. I got some matter products recently to start experiments with

I think we’ll have to wait when homey pro is going to use treath over matter.
Matter needs treaht to function. the matter standerd is build on IPv6 and uses UDP and TCP for data transferring.

Matter only needs IP, thread is a zigbee veriation that, due to the addition of ip6 can be unlocked as matter devices once added to a border router (like homey pro promises to be) but once added it acts like matter. So thread is not required for matter, but thread devices cant be used until added to a matter border router. A wifi device, like most govee devices are, could be matter devices without thread requirements. Like that m1 ledstrip seems to be. Thats why you can add it as Matter device already.

That’s awesome. Does that mean there’s no need for their api with api keys and all that? Matter runs local right?

Yes it does, but they are not updating old wifi lights it seems, but the new ones are getting this support.

H6052: Aura Table Lamp:
Installed and all well for a little while. Created a flow to have the lamp change color, and get (object response).


Update: Fixed after restart of Homey

I looked at the log and also could not find a error in the log itself. Intereseting error anyway. Happy that it got fixed by restarting Homey. Lets consider it a fluke for now :wink:

So M1 matter device up and running. Options are the same as if i would use the app. No mode switching. Since i also have a dreamview T1 working i found a way (somebody else in fact ;-)) to make it possible to have the ledstrip sync the dreamview moviemode, but also be able to control the lightstrip (not as easy as i would expected though).

In the explanation down the ‘command’ should be ‘automation’. Furthermore, i connected the ledstrip within the Govee app to the dreamview so moviesync mode is working in te first place.

I found a 3th option to toggle between color and video mode. It’s by making use of the in app automations of govee.
• In your govee app go to command
• add an auto run command and make it trigger on “turn on” and give it a real time act of “turn on DreamView”

Movie mode:
• Simply turn the T1 on via the api integration and the govee automation will automatically switch the lightstrip to Dreamview(movie) mode.

Color mode
• Turn the T1 on via the api integration (govee will switch to dreamview mode), wait a couple of seconds (5 in my case) and then again via the API integration push a light.turn_on but this time also provide the desired color. This will again override the Movie mode and put it into color mode.

Want it to turn in to Movie mode again ? Simply turn the lightstrip off and on (via the integration) and the process starts all over again.

  • If the dreamview T1 (i guess also T2) turns on, the ledstrip goes in auto dream view mode.
  • When the dreamview T1 turns off, the previous ledsetting of the connected ledstrip is restored and it will be possible to control color of the ledstrip
  • If you change color to the dreamview T1 it only will get back into the dreamview mode if you first turn op the DT1 and then turn it on again.