[APP][Pro][Cloud] Govee

@Kaoh I also bought H6076. I did a quick scan in this topic and thought it was supported. However that seemed to be the list of devices which are supported by the api.

So hereby a request to add H6076. It’s the “Govee RGBICW Slimme Hoek Vloerlamp”.

Try to add it using the unsupported device. It works as a generic auto detect device. The new version of this app, i am working on it, will only have a generic device. So if its supported in the spi, you gave it linked to the account you got your api key for, it should show up there.

Had to change something in the wifi settings to support band steering. After some modifications the unknown device showed up and now it’s working. Thanks.

Band steering? On your wifi access point or in the device/homey?

This H6076 was my first Govee lamp which had problems connecting to the wifi. So I had to turn on band steering on the access point. But prior to that i connected it to a sperate 2.4 GHz wifi installation of my KPN box . And of course Homey couldn’t find the device while it was working ok within te govee app.
So after reconnecting it to the same wifi network as my Homey is connected to and turning on band steering and restarting the app the (unknown) device was shown. Everyday learning something :wink:

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Product support request: Dear developper, after I found the how to it works great wit H619C. As I have also 2x H61A5 (10m version) may I kindly ask to add this model also? (H61A2 - 5m would be supported already). Tanks a lot for your great work and thanks in advance :vulcan_salute:

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Wood be great when model H61A5(10m) can be add to indeed.
Thanks in advance if possible.

I have done the amendment, how do i send a pull request for my clone?
I did’t try a Pull Request on Github but didn’t work.
Please help :slight_smile:

Please check this out, i will move away from the individual lights as device. The new version will use the same concept i tested with the unsupported device type, use that now.

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OK here is a major rebuild of the app to test.

It should keep all your current added devices working but should support ALL devices that Govee added to the API and will automatically start supporting new devices when added.
Use the single remaining device ‘Devices’ to start adding your devices.

The icons are automatically selected based on the device type, if you get a square please let me know the device type.

With this version you will need to start (no rush I will keep the old devices in deprecated state for some versions) replacing your devices with this new one. Requesting new support is not needed anymore. All new devices will be made available immidiatly, only the icon might be missing, those will be added on request and if made available in SVG format through a DM.

Testing is important, it might be released with bugs if you dont test.

Seems to be working for two out of three lights (I didn’t change one because it’s connected via matter ;-)).

Only thing was that when you have to select the specific devices you can only select one while then explanation on that screen might suggest that you can add multiple devices. But this might also be the case in the current version (didn’t pay too much attention at it at that time.

So thanks for this change. Number of ‘add this specific device’ will decrease a lot because of this change ;-).

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It has always been a add one device per time flow, I did not change that.

Even with a single device to add as in the screendump is shown (but also when having multiple devices available), the sentence ‘selecteer de apparaten die je wilt toevoegen’ might suggest that you can select multiple devices.

But as said, I didn’t notice this in the previous version, so no need to change it. I just did notice it because for the test I had to add 2 devices instead of one earlier on.

ah check, ill check the wording for a next version :slight_smile:

The test version is now published.
So for all the basic requirements did not change:
1 Get your Govee API key
2 Put it into the app settings of the Govee app in your Homey
3 Add your devices, only the ones supported by the cloud api will show up.
Keep an eye out for your polling settings to prevent throttling.

H6052 - Aura Table Lamp
I try change the color of the lamp in a flow, based upon a sensor value (tvoc).
Flow works just fine, however lamp will not stay at set color. It may change color for a second, then revert back to last color. However, when looking at the phone app, it shows correect color, but lamp itself does not.


Update: As a temp workaround, i just set a 1 sec delay with same color.
set color -->> 1 sec delay -->> set color again

I can reproduce this behavior, ill try to find some time to see if its a bug in my code or the api.

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I have Govee H619C, is there any way to get segmented light flow? Thanks

The govee api doesn’t support operations other than basic light and color operations. So not until they start adding new operations to the api

Thanks, is there any alternative to Govee? That works with segmented light?

You mean other smart light brands?

Yes and works with homey.
