[APP][Pro][Cloud] Govee

No, i don’t add individual lights.
They are supported by govee or they are not.

ive bought the T2 backlight led strip (H605C) because ive taught it was compatible with Homey Pro.

i have two question:

  • Is it supported by this app ?
  • if yes, what i’m doing wrong with the device setup ?

Thanks a lot for your response

I also believe its supported. What device type are you using? the new local api device or the govee light?
Did you add your API key in the app settings (if your using the govee ligth)?
If you use the new local api device type (dont know if it is supported there) make sure you enable local api in de device settings in the govee app

The new version is now released to everyone

Again, this version has a breaking change: the old devices from 1.1 version have been removed, they where deprecated for a year now, this version removed them. Please make sure to re-add those devices.

The new local api devices use UDP protocol to discover and communicate, if you have stricht local network firewalls etc you need to open the right ports for it.

Once this version is stable, something nice is in the works. Both the local api device and the lights cloud api devices will benefit from that feature.


I make the demand to obtain the API key of my product.

where i put this key when i receveid it ?

i search and my product is not supported by the LAN control…

Is there any chance to have this H605C add to product as a simple light in the Homey app ?

In the settings of the Govee app in Homey.

its working Thanks a lot man, im sorry im a begginer in all of this, its very complicated to me.

No worries, we are here to help

just to make it clear. After latest update, do I have to re-add all the strips and thus edit all current flows?

Depends: if you added them before using the later deprecated devices (they were device per type in the past) then yes. If these were added as the later single device type Light then they should still work.

It shows this, so I guess I will have to re-add them :smiling_face_with_tear:

I am afraid so

Just for a feedback, actual version of the app does not work as I would expect. When you want to do a command in multiple devices in a short period of time, most of the devices do not respond. In reality it means, when two people enter two rooms at the same time, one of the devices will not turn on.

As stated everwhere, topic start, multiple times. Govee has throttling limits on its api’s. So yes firing many commands WILL get you blocked for x minutes.
Out of my control.
Use local api devices when possible, they dont count in this.

I tried adding my Govee appliances. It looked like they were added correctly,but then got an error. (I’m using an iPhone 14 with iOS 17.2.1)

When I tapped on one to access it, the item appeared, but there was no way to do anything with it and there were no controls at all showing. I tapped settings, favorite, close, nothing happened. I had to close the app to get off that screen. (See next post. I can only embed one image in a post.)

I tried deleting the app, reinstall and tried again, but same result. After that, the other devices I had got messed up and wouldn’t add back in again. So I had to reset the Homey Pro and reset it with a backup. All the other devices (lights) were back and working.

Here is second screen.

That is very strange behavior indeed.
I can’t test the appliances, since i don’t own any of them. I build those blind.
I hope someone here can confirm if they work for some people.

Can you please add H601A the Smart Recessed Lighting 6 Inch

Welcome to the forum.
This app supports ALL light devices that have cloud api or local api support from Govee.
So i don’t need to add lights. If yours doesn’t show up in the list, then it’s govee that needs to add support in their api.
Make sure your setup is correct,
Cloud api devices require the api key in the settings
Local api devices require the local api enabled on the device and on the same local network with udp possible.