[APP] Official Tuya App for Homey

No that’s not necessary.

It must be present in the Tuya or Smartlife app. You talk about “pairing”, but you just need to use add device, select the app, enter your Tuya credentials and your plug should appear.


This is the Tuya wifi topic, Robert :wink:

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Uh right, then it’s an issue in Homey’s network driver :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

This typically happens when you switch away from the Homey app during the pairing process.

switch work and found by Tuya smart app just fine, no problem at all. So it should be online then.

It present in Tuya app and working just fine there

I have the same problem, for “Other devices” I get “Network request failed” after 30 sec (I have fewer than 200 devices). For specific types, like power plugs, I can add my 36 devices without problems, but within the timeframe…

Scenes not working

I’ve successfully added several devices but I can’t get to see any Scenes.
Restarted the app, no result.
Version 1.3.3 installed today.

Any tips?

Yes! Patience!

As far as I know, scenes are not supported yet

Tuya scenes have been supported for a while. This is a card that executes the ‘Cinema setting’ scene that controls the lights in my living room…


Clicking the bit after “Trigger” shows a drop-down listing all available scenes.

My scenes are all created using the SmartLife app ‘tap to run’ option.


Oops… sorry, I wasn’t aware of that!

Well, for me the list remains empty… Using the Tuya app.


I have a WIFI dimmer with 2 buttons.
I added this device to the Homey. When i want to switch or dim a light, i must clik on the device and then choose for dim 1 or dim 2 (dim 3 is also on the list, but i don’t have it).
Is it possible to put “dim 1” and “dim 2” directly on the main screen in homey? And\or is it possible to rename it?

Thanks in advanced.

Best regards,

You could use virtual devices to create two icons - one for each switch - each with its own name and use flows to operate the correct switch in the real device.


Thanks, I had thought that too, but then I can only switch on and off. Or set it to a predefined dim position. But if I want to use the dimmer flexibly, then I always have to remember what is Dim 1 and what is Dim 2

I have a problem with a Tuya Smart plug (Wifi). I have installed the Tuya (Official) app and with the help of the instructions to add a Tuya device it was possible to add the Smart Plug to the homey enviroment.
Switching the plug on and off works fine but the display of voltage, current and power is not updated. The values are freezed from the moment the plug was added. Only when i restart the app the values are updated.
In the Tuya Smart app on my phone all the values are updated quick (about every second).
What can i do to make it work with the Homey?

First of all, welcome to the Homey Community!

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Try it with an advanced virtual device. I can’t think of any limitation for controlling a device.
It probably doesn’t even needs flows.

About this one:

No you can’t rename capabilities with default app devices.
With the aforementioned adv virtual device, you can name capabilities and units as you like.

Not sure if you actually have created tap-to-run scenes?
(Just to make sure they actually exist, nothing personal here :wink:)
I use the phone app Tuya Smart, the flow trigger card let me choose from my scenes w/o any problem.

  1. Did you restart Homey Tuya app?
  2. Did you try this with both mobile & web apps?
  3. Did you (force) refresh the web app before trying to use the card?
  4. Using the spacebar in the selection field also gets the items to show sometimes.

See instructions for reporting issues in post 1 of this topic.