[APP] Official Tuya App for Homey

Thank you! i didn’t know this app. I will check it out and let you know if it works for me.

In post 1 i see a reference to how to i use/install a Tuya plug but no solution for the problem i have with the plug. Adding it as a device to homey is easy. The switch funtion works but de energy value are not updated. They are frozen.

In Github i see that the same problem was reported as a bug : The Smart Sockets have power monitoring capabilities. When the app restarts for whatever reason they update their status properly. They respond to on/off commands. But we are not receiving any update from the devices while it is just in use. Earlier investigation confirmed no events were being received.

I hope there is a solution for it.

Sorry , i see what now what you tried to tell me! I have installed the experimental version v1.3.5. Shall look if it works

With the testversion is still see the same behaviour with no updating. Showing the values on the tile is nice

Let’s get back to this issue again…
This morning I saw that I had a new version of the app and almost all of my devices had an exclamation mark.
Restarting the app didn’t fix the issue.

Instead of removing the devices and adding it again, I was able to repair the devices. This also saves the trouble of fixing flows where the devices are used.

However I need to repair each device separately. Repairing means: login to Tuya site, tick a box, prove you’re human by sliding the piece of the puzzle, select Tuya Smart, hit next, sliding the piece of the puzzle, enter credentials and authorize. For each device! There were some more steps but I forgot. Is there a way to repair them all at once? Or keep the login information?

Thanks. I just tried to point you to create an “issue” at github, like explained in post 1 :wink:

Hi there, first of all let me say Sorry, Im new to all this!

I have a bunch of Tuya devices and went for Homey so I could add a bit of intelligence to some flows as I intend having a lot of devices eventually.

All I want to do initially is to check if a Tuya thermometer sensor is over a certain value, if it is I will do something else. I have the device listed in Homey as Red Tank (water not military) and have found the va_temperature attribute in the When part of the flow, but how do I say va_temperature > 50?

Hopefully its easy and I have missed something obvious

There most likely is a when temperature has changed card. Use that to trigger on temperature changes.

Next use a and logic card for number is greater that 50.

For the number you can pick a tag that has the current temperature value from your sensor.

This is the way Homey logic works for any device, regardless the brand used.

Hi there, thanks for the responses. Unfortunately I dont seem to have a Temperature Changed card, Im assuming because its via the Tuya app?

I have tried a simple flow to show me the temperature but that shows 0 when I test it

Any other thoughts?

Yes, i this works for me.


One little problem:

I sync the homey devices with Google Home, but with Google Home i can’t control this ADV devices. But I still have to investigate this further, otherwise this is something for another topic