[APP] Tuya - Connect any Tuya device with Homey (by Tuya Inc. / Athom)

Yes it will install v1.3.0, Rudi, the latest stable version.

But yes sometimes an update can break existing stuff, sounds like you’ve found a (new) bug.

Good morning,

Last night I tried to install v1.3.0 since, according to my request in Github, the fan I requested was included in this version. However I tried to add the device today without success. Maybe because it’s still a test version?? @Peter_Kawa are you aware of this error by any chance?

Thank you!

If it installs the same version as the one that causes the issue, I don’t think it is really useful. I tried to install the app again, but didn’t work.
I know an update can break existing stuff. Yet, before logging a bug I’d figure checking here would be fine.

And, I have found the solution: removed the device from Homey and added it again. Unfortunately that means having to update some flows as well. But it works.

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My bad, I meant v1.2.3 of course. You could’ve followed the link.

Ah, like that. But more important: the issue is solved by removing the devices from Homey (leaving them in the Tuya cloud) and adding them again.

It’s the Homey version of:

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I tried the app

But after logging in the “add device” window returns a Device status is not iterable error.

So it is impossible for me to add any devices.

What could I do to fix this problem ?

I’ve finally managed to add the fans. However when I tried to modify the Speed I get the error Reques fail with unknown error (Code 501). Any idea what is the error about? Can I submit it somewhere?

Thank you

How did you manage to get the Tuya app running? In
My case, while trying to add a tuya device, it opens a dialog where i can enter my phone number and when i proceed i get en error: „wrong password“, although i never entered my password nor my username because there are no fields for that. Its the same behavior in Chrome and in the iOS app

This should be similar to the credentials you use to login to the Tuya cloud app. I had the same thing last week, it is a little bit tedious. I can’t remember what I did different to get it to work again, but this IS the way it should work. Perhaps someone else can chip in?

All in all, I must say we all tend to complain quickly and easily, but I am really happy with the official Tuya app being worked on! A lot of my Tuya devices work a lot better with this app and my Homey setup in general is a lot more useful!

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I found the problem. The field where I entered the phone number can also contain an email… then it works.
I think that’s bad UI design. What did the designer expect from the user when there’s a text field next to a dropdown for the country code whose alternative text starts with “phone”? Most will enter a phone number intuitively. I was surprised because there’s no phone number stored in my Tuya account and it’s not intended to store one there. But I thought it was a wizard where the username comes in the next step. Even more confusing was when I got an error message about an incorrect password, which wasn’t actually asked for anywhere.
I would suggest clearly defining the field as an email field that only accepts emails. Instead of the international area code, they could also use a simple country selection, then no one would expect the rest of the phone number to come after it.

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Yes, that’s it! Glad you got it sorted out and share it here.

Note, this is the Tuya side. I don’t think Athom can change anything to this site. Worst case they can create a site “in front” of it which is better defined and forwards these details (your E-mail address in this case) to the buggy bad designed Tuya website. But I think that goes South as soon as you have to fit the piece of the puzzle for the “not a robot” check.

Great news from the Athom Tuya developer regarding devices that were not reporting as expected:

it seems that we have found why not all data points are reported, which is due to some interesting behaviour on the Tuya side. Luckily, it seems that we can fix that with some adjustment on our side.



Even with the email i finish the proces but still not works after you can close this window the homey app get stuc on the login in…

@Rudi_Hendrix wellicht heb jij een idee?

After rebooting the Homey it works!
I did add al the devices. But is het correct it has not the functions the tuya cloud app has? For example the controls of the heating is very limeted and the floorheating he does not see as heating.

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Good to read that it works!

And yes, some functionality is still pending. Since Tuya has loads of devices over a lot of different brands, it is fairly impossible to create a variant of every device in Homey. Where one would hope that it is possible for Athom to “read” all possible devices and automatically add them, this is impossible.

Since they have a partnership, I would even expect that option. That is what we were all hoping for: automatically get all Tuya functionality in Homey.

If you want this added, you need to create an issue in GitHub. At least: that used to be the case

Hi, after my Homey updated the app tp 1.3.1, I added the temperature & humidity sensor I got last week. At first it looked really good - but I’m now noticing that the values aren’t updating at all, they are now showing as last updated 18 hours ago, when the SmartLife app clearly shows that measurements are continuously updated. I was able to get the most current readings by using the “repair” function, but that’s only a one-off and then again they aren’t updated. Which makes this pretty useless for a t&h sensor :slight_smile: . Is that a bug in the new functionality or a problem with my sensor? I’m tempted to blame the Homey app, since it works fine in SmartLife…

You answered it:

It won’t work in SL when your sensor is broken :wink:

Good point, so I guess it’s a bug then. Is there an official place to report bugs in the app?

See the first post of this thread. However, it’s likely your issue is caused by Homey’s Zigbee driver and not this app.

I have one wallplug, tested this app to use it but i got pairsession_not_found. With Tuya Smart app and Homeys Tuya cloud app its works just fine…

I removed also pairing via Tuya cloud app, but same results. Do i have close Tuya IoT Platform Service to get this work or is problem some where else?