[APP] Official Tuya App for Homey

Now we have to wait for an update of the app developer

Well friends,
it seems that the discussion that started as an information that Tuya was willing to develop an official Tuya App via some issues with the test environment to now issues and experiences with the App, which I would not expect when I read the title.
I would suggest either to adapt the title or to close this thread and start a new one where title and content match.
Best regards Dirk

Probably you didn’t know, but I’m sorry,
that’s exactly what I proposed a month ago at git…

It would have been a nice gesture to mention that at least :no_mouth:

And @Emile said “no”

Hi guys, I am a brand new user to homey so please do excuse me if this topic has been already raised - is there any way to integrate tuya camera into home pro with live feed? If no than is there any camera brand that can get feed to homey system? I have managed to add to link Tapo but it serves only as motion detector, no live stream… thanks in advance for help. J

Homey doesn’t support any form of video streaming.

Thanks. It is a bit of disappointment though…

Well done, Homey. Do we really have to login everytime we want to add a device? After login, when it says I can close the window, in Homey I got stuck on ‘Log in met je account’.

I still can’t login when trying to add a tuya device. It’s really annoying.

Same issue - I have logged a support ticket as we should not have to restart the app and refresh browser. But good to know - I will try that now

Well I finally added my 24 Tuya devices - 22 are ‘All good but you cannot control it’

Same here as well

Here’s the official how-to:

(Won’t solve login issues I’m afraid)

App works great so far! :slight_smile:

Just waiting for the addition of the a/c controllers.

I’m sorry, but this just isn’t good enough.
From an operations perspective, this is a hot mess.

You asked everyone to spend literally HOURS of their free time learning to add devices via a method (that most didn’t understand) that you’re now saying won’t be used moving forward.
Sorry, what?

Why didn’t you just wait until v1.0 had been released and the new process was agreed and thought out before asking people to submit device requests?

It’s so frustrating that a company of your size ($61m) has no internal processes for vetting this kind of thing before it goes out to users.

Also, the fact that you are happy to add the devices that YOU want to add first, rather than fast tracking existing requests from users in order to repair the bad faith here, is really bad optics.

I am happy that they are working on this in the first place. And most likely in some time I can ditch the old Tuya Cloud app and use the new one only.

I think it is great that Athom is working on a Tuya app and I do see the improvements they make. Everyting takes time and we rather have a great implementation of than a not-so-great one.
The way you address Athom doesn’t help accelerating things I am afraid…
I think it is great the way @Doekse keeps us informed here, especially as Athom is not always doing so in such an open communication…


I’m super happy for this new official Tuya App!
But sadly, it’s not working for me, I’ve tried a million times, clear browser data, logout, login and everything.
I always have to login into smart life again and again, and always get the message “Oauth2 Client already exists” and stuck there.

I’m a software engineer for more than 15 years now, and I want to help writing/fixing Apps, so please let me know if and how I can help :slight_smile:


Here’s the source

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After a lot of attemps it finnaly worked! I hope they will support scenes and more devices in a short time. For now I will keep using the Tuya Cloud app.

If login keeps failing, try to restart the app from within Homey and then try again.

Worked straight away the first time. HOWEVER; Immediately discovered a major bug. Watts are indicated in kW in the Homey!

I think the “mistake” here is that the point is used as both thousands separator and decimal separator