[APP] Official Tuya App for Homey

Before yesterday everything works fine. After the update to 1.0 nothing works anymore. Uninstalled the experimental version and installed the first official one, I can’t log into the tuya site. Also tried to change the password and get only ‘Server busy’.


Until stable version 1.0, all my Tuya devices worked just fine. But now, after the automatic update to stable, all my socket switches have stopped responding with the error message “tuyaSwitches is not iterable”. Bulbs work as expected, but not sockets. Is there anything I can do at my end? I’ve tried restarting the app, as well as rebooting Homey, without luck. I would appreciate not removing any device or reinstalling the app as my devices are already part of somewhat complex flows.

Nope! Does not work !

Christopher Charpentier

I had to remove and re-add the devices.
It’s not smart to start using devices in your real home set-up from a test app, which doesn’t had a live app yet.

But, no disaster:
When you save the exact device names before removing them, you can fix your flows with use of this brilliant script:

I prefer to use this over the"device" ID way.
Script saved my ass many times!

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Can we please at least get a short statement (or a timeline) for when devices that we’ve submitted, will start being added to the app, now that we’ve reached a stable release?

We also desperately need ‘when’ cards for switches.

To anyone who can’t login, but refuses to can’t read some older posts, this might work:

opened it through an incognito tab. still continuously tells me password is incorrect and asks me to switch region

Hi Patrick,

The region thing seems to be a new part of the issue.
Don’t know any tricks for now.

Matteo didn’t mention a password error btw, so you might double check (leading or trailing whitespaces, first letter auto-capitalized by ‘smart’ keyboards).


Thanks for the information. I now have the Homey CLI working, and when I start it I get the accompanying log overview.

In the log overview I also get the switching of the devices that are recognized in the Homey app, but the installation of a new device in Smart Life is not shown in the file.

I have no idea how to proceed. I would like to try to provide Homey with information about the devices so that I can use them in Homey, but also because it may be useful to others.

Yours sincerely,

Ron Mone

Verzonden: maandag 8 juli 2024 19:53


Peter_Kawa Regular
July 8


  • | - |


Create a new issue here (one for each device seems logical)


Issues can be reported here: https://github.com/athombv/com.tuya/issues

There’s a guide present in the new issue template

I’ll quote it here fyc:

To request a new device, please run the Tuya app locally using Homey CLI.

$ git clone [git@github.com:athombv/com.tuya.git](mailto:git@github.com:athombv/com.tuya.git)
$ cd com.tuya
$ homey app run 

Then pair a ‘Light’, even if your device is not a light. Watch the logging closely for Device: and copy-paste the JSON in this issue.

Without this information, we cannot add support for your device, and the issue will be closed.

For example:

2024-06-06T14:11:59.852Z [log] [Homey:xxxxxx] [ManagerDrivers] [Driver:light] Device: {"active_time":1717491339,"biz_type":0,"category":"dj","create_time":1717491339,"icon":"smart/icon/bay1582725542891RIK5/42feb5d93f5e13800cf2ade23ea49459.png","id":"xxxxxx","ip":"xxxxxx","lat":"52.25","local_key":"xxxxx","lon":"6.3","model":"SH.63.204","name":"G95 Gold","online":true,"owner_id":"xxxxx","product_id":"xxxxxx","product_name":"G95 Gold","status":[{"code":"switch_led","value":true},{"code":"work_mode","value":"white"},{"code":"bright_value_v2","value":223},{"code":"temp_value_v2","value":0},{"code":"scene_data_v2","value":"{\"scene_num\":1,\"scene_units\":[{\"bright\":200,\"h\":0,\"s\":0,\"temperature\":0,\"unit_change_mode\":\"static\",\"unit_gradient_duration\":13,\"unit_switch_duration\":14,\"v\":0}]}"},{"code":"countdown_1","value":0},{"code":"control_data","value":""},{"code":"remote_switch","value":true}],"sub":false,"time_zone":"+02:00","uid":"xxxxxx","update_time":1717671377,"uuid":"xxxxxx"}

Finally, please link to more information about the device, e.g. the manufacturer’s website.

(Attachment Listing.txt is missing)


Unfortunately, the text was not yet complete and I sent it too early, just an addition.

When I try to add it in Homey, I get the attached addition to the log file. However, it doesn’t seem like this is what is being asked.

Is that correct or is this correct?

Yours sincerely,

Ron Mone

(Attachment Listing_2.txt is missing)

No clue what you mean there. Email, in any possible way, is not involved.
Did you follow this howto?
It skips the git clone line on purpose, instead you just download the zip (containing the app code) yourself.

I do see when you quote my post, somewhere some software changes the original line:
$ git clone git@github.com:athombv/com.tuya.git

into this line with the made up email link. This is unusable and does NOT work
$ git clone [git@github.com:athombv/com.tuya.git](mailto:git@github.com:athombv/com.tuya.git)

This wouldn’t happen if you put code between a set of ``` signs

It’s also insertable with this button:

Hit the sprocket when it’s not visible:

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still the problem to log in to import devices. I have tried all possilbe browsers, private window, restarting of homey device, restarting of new tuya app (including new installation), etc.
No chance. I am getting the message in a new window that something was getting wrong. Go back to…
But I have also remarked, that the page https://openapi.tuyaus.com/ in a separate window is also not accessible for me …
What is wrong ?
Thanks a lot for any new ideas…


Sorry for the confusion, I just replied to the email I received, apparently that didn’t go well. I have the CLI working. When I start adding a new device, I see a large portion of the devices installed in my house in the log file.
The lines will then look like the ones below, is that the correct format for Homey to include it in the app? I have the impression so, but I had the idea that I would only see one device per installation.
Yours sincerely,
Ron Mone

‘’‘2024-07-15T06:55:17.347Z [log] [ManagerDrivers] [Driver:light] Device: {“active_time”:1613844855,“biz_type”:18,“category”:“tgq”,“create_time”:1613844855,“icon”:“smart/device_icon/eu1612681271073EzPz5/bf4994fadf5414d960gg1m16344574292642.png”,“id”:“bf4994fadf5414d960gg1m”,“ip”:“”,“lat”:“52.5137”,“local_key”:“885ce1bf8ffed42e”,“lon”:“5.0739”,“model”:“105B “,“name”:“Keuken/Eettafel”,“online”:true,“owner_id”:“25513371”,“product_id”:“kqm0mqzb5zazewsb”,“product_name”:“WiFi 2Gang Dimmer Module”,“status”:[{“code”:“switch_led_1”,“value”:false},{“code”:“bright_value_1”,“value”:590},{“code”:“brightness_min_1”,“value”:249},{“code”:“led_type_1”,“value”:“LED”},{“code”:“switch_led_2”,“value”:false},{“code”:“bright_value_2”,“value”:296},{“code”:“brightness_min_2”,“value”:250},{“code”:“led_type_2”,“value”:“LED”},{“code”:“countdown_2”,“value”:0},{“code”:“work_mode”,“value”:“white”}],“sub”:false,“time_zone”:”+01:00”,“uid”:“eu1612681271073EzPz5”,“update_time”:1721020805,“uuid”:“8fa70e00ab821cc3”}’‘’

Probably the forum engine auto-created an email link from the git clone command

About what to filter out of the logs, this is all there is to it:

It is just the common app log we use here, not a tool; so all of your devices can show up in there.

To me it looks you found the needed JSON code, and should be ok to add to a device request at github

20 days since this post about a development agency helping with additional devices, but none are actually being added.

Can you explain what this means from an operational perspective please?

Why bother telling us about the ‘agency’ in the first place? Why not just wait until there was a process in place that could actually be delivered within a practical time frame.

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Have you check the GIT and do a CLI install to see if your device is added, or submit a device report for them to integrate. Unless your device is common, and they have access to it now, it will take some time to implement it. Consensus is to integrate the first few typical lights and switches, then the other more specialised items. You can try adding a TUYA “other” device type and send code to test it out first.

If you are expecting a stable release, I think it’s fair to wait till the beta testers have a go at it.

Aaaahhh, It’s a slightly transparent screen. Behind it, it says
“The account password does not match. Please re-enter the password or try to switch the version”

With “version”, they mean TuyaSmart or SmartLife probably
It had been a good idea when you added that info right away.

So, did you select the correct corresponding mobile app?
Also make sure no whitespaces exist in front or at the end of the entered pw
Make sure the first letter hasn’t been auto-corrected to a capital.
temporarily change the password to a really simple one, like 123abc and try again.
If login succeeds now, you know what the problem was.

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Four days ago, we launched the first release of the Tuya App for Homey, which includes numerous bug fixes developed by the agency. :wink:

As mentioned last week, our first priority was to ensure that the current devices operate as expected.

We are now developing a method to handle device requests without requiring Homey CLI installation. Our current plan is to publish the log to the advanced device settings, but this is still a work in progress.

Once this is completed, we will begin adding more device types, starting with those we have samples of, as we can test these devices before updating the app.

Following that, we will address the various device requests submitted on GitHub. Since we can’t test these devices during development, we will likely publish them to a test version of the app for community testing. Based on your feedback, we will then push the updates live. :raised_hands:

Please note that with summer holidays approaching, our development pace might slow down until mid-August. I will be out of the office myself from July 24th to August 14th. :pray:

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I changed the password, I even used the QR code login, and yes I selected the right app (smart life) it simply doesn’t work.

Same here. Also tryed to change password. Only get 'Server busy '.