[APP][Pro] Universal Media Player - A Generic storages place for your Homey, speakers, tv's or other media devices

Use an UPnP Player to find the URL of files on a UPnP Server through browsing (with thumbnails).
When executed it will retrieve the file from de UPnP Server based on the same browsing structure.
This way you will be able to use a UPnP Server to play sounds on speaker systems like Sonos but also on TV’s like Samsung or LG.
Just start by adding the UPnP Player and select the UPnP server you want to use.
(Because of 30 sec timeout while discovering devices, you sometimes have to search twice will installing the device/player. This depends on the configuration of your UPnP Server)

The way you can browse depends on how the UPnP Server is configured.
You can browse to and (it will) save the location to /Music/Artist/Album/B/Bok van Blerk/Afrikanerhart.
When executing the flow, the current URL will be retrieved based on the same /Music/Artists etc.

This way you can use any UPnPServer (Like Synology or an (Asus/Linksys) Router/Switch/Wifi UPnPServer) and use it as a storage place for your Sounds to be used.

Wanna play it on Homey?
Music Url Converter - Play Music URL’s on Homey bigger then 900 KB - Apps - Homey Community Forum (athom.com)

Thanks for Johan Bendz for the excellent images and icons!

This works great voor a PA system:
How to make a Great Public Announcement ¶ System with any device! - Apps - Homey Community Forum (athom.com)

The Sonos App currently has issues sending flac to a speaker. Sonos Say will wrok, and im working on it with Athom.

------------------------What do you need to get playing?------------------------

Step 1 - one time
Create a UPnP Player device.

Step 2 - one time
Create a flow with a trigger for Url Triggered from the UPnP Player Device and an action card (Then part) that sends the Url token to the device you want to play it on.

Step 3
Create a flow that starts playing a file or folder through a condition or action:
Voor playing sounds:



Or for music (with Thumbnails):




Please report issues or feature requests at QlusterIT / nl.qluster-it.UniversalMediaPlayer/ issues — Bitbucket.


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@Arie_J_Godschalk Hi,

this is Great, it is possible to test?

Its Live!

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how to choose through what to play?

Step 1 - one time
Create a UPnP Player device.

Step 2 - one time
Create a flow with a trigger for Url Triggered from the UPnP Player Device and an action card (Then part) that sends the Url token to the device you want to play it on.

Step 3
Create a flow that starts playing a file or folder through a condition or action:

See topicstart for more examples.

Not sure what is wrong…
Here the flows:

  1. Shared Flow | Homey Don´t think it gets to the THEN part
  2. Shared Flow | Homey Selecting the music folder
  3. Shared Flow | Homey
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Got it working now! Something was wrong with the folder selection.

Just FYI:

The Sonos App currently has issues sending flac to a speaker. Sonos Say will work, and i have informed Athom about this issue.

I improved the Community Store - Sonos Say App that works currently somewhat better then Athom Sonos App with handeling different filetypes.

Hello @Arie_J_Godschalk ,

Always same error, do you know whats the problem?

When i press play comes the error

You first have to start it through a flow with an actioncard (Then part).
Then you can use the play and pause button.

I will fix the id undefined message in next release.

Ok i made a flow for test when this flow starts then pause. But i get same error.

Add a Start playing folder/file Card in the Then part

@Arie_J_Godschalk Is it possible to make the Universal Media Player work with the Chromecast app? Seems like it works similar to TTS with the Google Services app.

It allready should work with chromecast, because indeed, it works similar like Google Service TTS.

Why? Are you not able to send the sound file to chrome cast?

Yes, I thought I was. But I guess I messed up somewhere along the way, because I retried and now it is working like a charm :blush:

Many thanks for your great apps! Is there a way I can buy you a beer? :beers:

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You’re very welcome!

I do have a paypal account: PayPal.Me/QlusterIT

Beer money incoming :money_with_wings:

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Thanks m8