Simple LOG app - Former main topic [Deprecated]

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The currrent/new Topic you can find here: [APP][Pro] Simple (Sys) LOG - Use this app for Simple (Sys) Logging - Apps - Homey Community Forum

Simple LOG

This app makes it possible to add logging to your flow’s. It is simple in every way. it’s simple to use and it’s simple in terms of code.


Old forum post.

Install App.


  • Use the log activity card, and add some text to the log.
  • Use the log activity card, and add some text to the log while tagging a group name.
  • Clear your log.
  • View your log in the app settings.
  • the log view will refresh when a new line of text is added to the log.



The folowing API endpoints can be used:

  • GET /api/app/nl.nielsdeklerk.log
  • PUT /api/app/nl.nielsdeklerk.log/addlog {“log”: “Test 1,2,3”, “group”: “TEST”}
  • GET /api/app/nl.nielsdeklerk.log/clearlog

Please report issues or feature requests at QlusterIT / nl.qluster-it.SimpleLog/ issues — Bitbucket.


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Any chance we can add colors to the log :)? Getting a bit busy in the output and it would be great if I can distinguish between importance.


You can add a group name to the logging card. All logs can be exported as csv making it possible to filter and or to provide colors using excel or equivalent.

I have no plans to add colors at this time but I’ll definitely keep it in mind for a next update.

Hi Niels, great app, use it a lot, on vacation in Greeche I have seen that the time registration is shown with the time of the device where it is shown on, fi when een alarm goes of on Homey at 08:00 Homey time, this is shown in the log with the Greeche time 09:00 , now I’m back in Holland, it is shown again as 08:00. For me this is a bit confusing, is this meant to be so or is this a bug?

Interesting :slight_smile:

The time is saved as a time integer and not based on any time zone. The browser/App formats this using a local sided script to make it human readable thus resulting in the local system time.

It’s not designed with this in mind.

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Hi! Thank you for this nice app! Would it be possile to add variable values from the “Better logic” app? I’m using an interger and would like to log the current values when is changes.

Thanks in advance.

You could make a flow, in the first collumn you’ll drag the better logic app. In the last collumn you’ll drag the log card. Add some text and drag the value to the log card to include the value there.

Thanks! Figured it out

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Hello Niels…i have tried to install the app but it is incompatible with the latest sofware version?

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thats correct. I need to redesign the settings part, most icons have been removed for homey in 2.0 and makes the app unusable. as the settings are the most important part of my app I have to keep it unsupported for now.

how is the update looking on V2 (screenshot perhaps)? haven’t updated myself yet but this would be one of the main apps I use so I wonder… :slight_smile:

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I like! Thanks for your work Niels!

@Niels Hi Niels, the save to CSV is not there anymore, is there an alternative to save the contents to a windows PC? Have seen something with GET and PUT, but can you give an example of how to use this for non-programmers? (BatchFile?)

Another thingi, when I use the Android App “Homey(Preview)” in the NoxPlayer on my PC, then the data contents are not shown, only the header is visible[quote=“Niels, post:12, topic:146, full:true”]

Only the second (empty) part is visible on my screen.

asked this already a long time ago, it would be added but is still not added.

Is it possible to set the larger fontsize as default?
At the moment the log uses always a smal fontsize (which cannot be read) and if a larger font is chosen this settings is not saved, so has to be chosen eachtime the app is opened.

So please add the option to save the font size settings or make the larger font the default font.

I’m looking to find a way for Homey 2.0 to keep the CSV. The code that generates it is still there but I had to remove it as with Homey2.0 I’m unable to offer a download. I haven’t found a workaround yet. If there is one I will put it back in.

the not showing part is probably due to the homey cloud services being offline now and then. I noticed the same now and then.

Just received the update and looks good but I seem to have lost the ability to clear the log from the settings view. Has it been removed or just not drawing?

Just a thought, could the CSV be emailed instead of downloaded? Not sure if V2 has a way to do that.

I’ve removed the clear log button to improve usability. With Homey 2 I now must consider very small screen sizes. It was to easy to tap a wrong button. The log can still be cleared using flows. And caps at 2000 lines to make sure it’s not using to much memory.

A new addition is that logs can now also be sent to the apps home screen. Hope you like that feature. :slight_smile: